Michelle's Bonkers blog

Discussion in 'The Lounge' started by Michelle Knight, Jan 4, 2018.

  1. TooCooL4

    TooCooL4 Well-Known Member

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    Michelle Knight good to see you back, hope you are well?
    Jorge likes this.
  2. Michelle Knight

    Michelle Knight Active Member

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    Sussex, UK
    I'm fine thanks. Working for the ambulance service, we had our jabs as soon as available (although back office obviously were last-ish in the queue, I was really grateful to have them) and I'm caring for my mother so I've been spending a lot of time working from home, which hasn't done my mental health or my stomach much good, but that can be sorted out next year. I am, quite frankly, amazed that I haven't brought covid into the home. We were issued with testing kits and had to test twice a week because we can be needed in the 999 control rooms... so that was another side-bonus.

    It has allowed me to catch up on projects that I was working on and I have also joined the local parish council. Still settling myself in after several months, but this sort of thing is a long term commitment with a lot to learn about the village and surrounding area.

    I still have to learn electronics properly and the way things are going, I might manage to become a reasonable amateur given another ten years or so! Unfortunately, for every two projects I finished, I started another one, so it hasn't quite been as productive as it could have been. But hey. 2022 should be the year when everything gets finished and I can finally turn my attention to learning properly rather than feeling my way through everything.

    How are you?
    Reli and Jorge like this.
  3. TooCooL4

    TooCooL4 Well-Known Member

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    Michelle Knight working for the ambulance that must be very busy for you, you guys are doing a great job. Sometime before Christmas my mother had a fall. I went to visit her like I do every Sunday, I arrived and through the conservatory window I saw her on the floor. Getting into the house was not easy as she had left the key in the door. Anyway I did get in, called the ambulance it took about 8 hours to get one as they were so busy. Anyway all ended well. My mother turned 88 yesterday December 28.
    So I know how hard you guys are working.

    I have to test for Covid twice a week for work too, so far I have been lucky not to catch anything as I travel into London daily. The amount of people on the tubes not wearing masks is crazy, while on the tube I wear a half-face respirator taking no chances.

    So apart from that I am okay and just getting on with enjoying life.
    Jorge likes this.
  4. Mister X

    Mister X Moderator Staff Member

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    Reli and Jorge like this.
  5. Jorge

    Jorge Well-Known Member

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    Malibu, CA
    @Michelle Knight - you got yourself a nice setup, and it is Awesome to see you back!… into the groove…!!!
    I am still fighting with ‘nice’ people at Malibu to get a permit to rebuild my burned home… until then have no space for anything but baby-Discmans
    Mister X likes this.
  6. Michelle Knight

    Michelle Knight Active Member

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    Sussex, UK
    Thanks for the welcome back messages. Much appreciated. Something has taken another turn and I'm currently seeking another job, while trying to work things out where I am, so my apologies if I go dark again while I try and sort my future out again. I honestly thought I had a job for the remainder of my career with the ambulance service; but it's not turning out to be quite that easy. If anyone knows someone in Sussex who needs an infrastructure engineer ... :-D
    Mister X likes this.
  7. Michelle Knight

    Michelle Knight Active Member

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    Sussex, UK
    Still here. Still watching. Still reading.

    The last couple of years have been very difficult. I now care for my Mother who has had two hip surgeries and also a trapped nerve at the base of the spine. She's re-learning to walk again. All while keeping the house running and doing the day job. So.. yeah... it's been rough.

    The Aiwa TPR-950 still hasn't been re-capped. I'm working on finding someone who can do the job because I know my limits.

    There is still a shelf of stereos to be re-capped and brought back to speed. It'll probably be the close of this year before I have my small workstation clear to work on them again.

    In the mean time, I have not been idle. I now have a Technics SL-1200 mk 7 and I've been enjoying it. I'm currently embarking on an exercise in cleaning vinyl on a budget, according to a document put together by an ex-Us Navy serviceman who has considerable experience in cleaning and chemicals. The document runs to nearly 200 pages and I've been having fun and games getting the chemicals in the UK. I might, some day, save up the £3,000 for an ultrasonic cleaner because I don't trust the £300 converted units that were designed for jewellery.

    I've been converting an Apple G5 case to take PC components. Worked well, but I had to get a kit to do it.

    I've also had to replace some dead servers. I ended up with two HP Gen 10 Plus microservers, fitting both with the iLO access card.

    And there have been other things besides. I did successfully recap the Panasonic RX-C45L although I still can't get the tape mechanism working smoothly, because I haven't been able to track the precise belts and I haven't been able to source a new pinch roller, which is where I think my problem is.
    Screenshot from 2023-04-21 12-46-18.png

    I also sorted out the volume pots on two Teac AI-101DA units. I think the pots were in trouble from the outset and it was difficult to source replacements, but I eventually managed it.

    So... I've been up to my pretty little backside in it... and I should be returning to the collection of Aiwa walkman units at the end of the year.
    Mister X and Elite-ist like this.
  8. Mister X

    Mister X Moderator Staff Member

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    You really dabble in everything, it's good to see somebody else with a desktop computer, Linus Tech Tips on YouTube says it won't be long before we won't be able to build them ourselves.

    I bought a Vevor US last year, I took some filthy Beach Boy Albums from the 60's and it made them sparkle, some of my records are unplayable with all of the crust on them, I been given collections over the yerars since my friends knew I still liked them.

    This is the only record cleaner I've ever used and I love the results, there's some long threads on audiokarma on it and fine-tuning the solution.
  9. TooCooL4

    TooCooL4 Well-Known Member

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    Good to see you back Michelle Knight

    Ultrasonic record cleaners are nice but, I can't stand the noise. The only 2 I have used are KLAudio and the Audio Desk Systeme. I would pick the KLAudio over the Audio Desk Systeme any day.
    Since I can't stand the noise, I'll be sticking to my Loricraft.
  10. lupogtiboy

    lupogtiboy Well-Known Member

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    Good to see you back!

    I see your location is shown as Sussex, anywhere near Brighton? Only reason I say is that whenever I go to Brighton for shops, I go via the Hove end, past where Furniture Village is. Down Sackville Road there is a HI-FI repair shop I've always wanted to look in, but it always seems to be closed whenever I'm there (usually a Sunday!) He is called Robert Smith, I have no idea what he is like, but if he is local to you, I wonder if it's worth seeing if he could recap the Aiwa? I've done a Google maps screenshot to show the shop:

  11. Michelle Knight

    Michelle Knight Active Member

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    Sussex, UK
    I'm North of Haywards Heath. I did know of the shop... at least I do believe it's that one. If it's the one I think it is, the owner shares it part time... or at least did some years ago, as his life was going through a rough time, so when I was told that, I didn't trouble to contact... or possibly I did and didn't hear back, I'm not sure.

    Love your sig line, by the way :)
    lupogtiboy likes this.
  12. Michelle Knight

    Michelle Knight Active Member

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    Sussex, UK
    Thanks :) ... good to have a little time again. I'm thinking of saving for the Degritter II because record shops near me are selling it and if it goes wrong I can turn up on their doorstep with the usual consumer protection laws to help out... because I'm conscious that it's an expensive piece of kit to have go wrong and I'll have saved for months to buy one, but I'll have a look at those two you've suggested.
  13. Michelle Knight

    Michelle Knight Active Member

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    Sussex, UK
    Just noted that Loricraft are in West Sussex, not far from me. Will have to see cost and maybe I can take a trip to them and get a demo. One of the real pains in the neck these days is actually getting ears-on with equipment before you buy it.
  14. Michelle Knight

    Michelle Knight Active Member

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    Sussex, UK
    Just seen where the dealers are for the Loricraft. Urk. Bit of a faff. Iglooaudio have the Degritter II for £2,495.00 and they're not too far away. Got more research to do.
  15. TooCooL4

    TooCooL4 Well-Known Member

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    Michelle you can get a Loricraft for about the same price as a Degritter.
    Have a look on Analogue Seduction
  16. Michelle Knight

    Michelle Knight Active Member

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    Sussex, UK
    Yes, but they're in Peterborough whereas Igloaudio is in Tunbridge Wells. Much closer to me. As for the technical difference cleaning-wise between the Loricraft and the Degritter... that's where I have to admit to being very short on personal experience, but I'm coming down slightly in favour of the ultrasonic cleaning solution... because, effectively, as you've said... they're near enough the same price.

    I've been told by a very few people that they run records through the degritter before every play, but I'd rather exercise the best handling hygiene that I can and only deep clean when needed... but I have yet to tread, barefoot, the hot coals of experience.
  17. TooCooL4

    TooCooL4 Well-Known Member

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    Hi Michelle any machine is better than no machine. I chose the Loricraft because it’s very quiet and does a good job.
    On the cleaning before every play, I don’t. I clean every record I buy, be it brand new sealed or second hand first time I take it out of the sleeve. I also replace the inner sleeve with a quality one at the same time after first clean.
  18. Michelle Knight

    Michelle Knight Active Member

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    Sussex, UK
    That's pretty much what I'm intending to do. I've bought some HDPE sleeves for that purpose. I did try some of the "Japanese style" with the circular bottom, but they seem to leave crease marks on the record... although it's only the surface... and they are a little difficult to handle inside the original sleeve... so I think I've convinced myself to go to the 3 layer and rice paper versions.

    I am trying to get the various chemicals and bits and pieces needed for the "Precision Aqueous Cleaning Of Vinyl Records 3rd ed 2022-01-17" by Neil Antin, but getting hold of the chemicals in the UK is not easy. Had to enlist the help of a friend who owns a business in order to get them ordered. Total cost of ownership is between £200-£300 for all the tools and bits, but should clean hundreds of records as very little chemical is needed per, "wash."
  19. TooCooL4

    TooCooL4 Well-Known Member

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    I did use some of those round bottom sleeves before, then I moved on to the Goldring ex-static which are quite pricey. Now I get my sleeves by the hundreds from Covers33 just as good as the Goldring.
    Michelle Knight likes this.
  20. Michelle Knight

    Michelle Knight Active Member

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    Sussex, UK
    I've been doing some more shopping around. It appears that Panmer are UK manufacturers of these sleeves and the next time I purchase, it will probably be from them... either the poly lined paper, or the three layer rice paper, I'm not sure. I've still got to bottom out this HDPE that people are concerned about seeing in the description of the poly. https://www.panmer.com/collections/...ducts/12-polylined-inner-record-sleeves-black

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