  1. machinegunjoeviterbo

    machinegunjoeviterbo New Member

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    hello, i have a d-25 which i'm trying to get to work but it's acting like many other non-working condition seem todo. the lazer makes a very slight movement and the disc spins for a second then stops and this repeats 4 times then it shuts down. see video plz.

    i had it apart and cleaned/lubed the middle gear like in @Valentin 's tutorial. i am able the spin the gears using almost no force and the lazer moves accordingly.

    any suggestions of what i should do/look for now to get this working again?

    [GALLERY=media, 1889]Sony_d-25 by machinegunjoeviterbo posted Mar 30, 2022 at 1:26 PM[/GALLERY]

  2. Valentin

    Valentin Well-Known Member

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    Check the wires of the sled motor first. After cleaning and lubricating that middle gear, the laser should go back to the ToC position (near the spindle) when you press play, which it clearly does not.

    Are you sure the gears are actually moving freely ? Did you remove the middle gear and cleaned the shaft (and gear hole) or just put oil there ?

    By the way, I would add that spindle motor should be lubricated on these in my opinion as it sometimes turns hard from hardened grease. However you need to remove the laser/spindle assy to do that.
    Last edited: Mar 30, 2022
  3. machinegunjoeviterbo

    machinegunjoeviterbo New Member

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    many thanks @Valentin , i removed the middle gear and cleaned it carefully. after the cleaning, i can easily move the gears by gently using a screwdriver. by doing so, the laser moves like i should.

    alright, i will start checking the wires of the sled motor.

    how about the spindle motor lubrication, is it difficult t0 remove the laser/spindle assy?
  4. Valentin

    Valentin Well-Known Member

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    It depends on what your skills are. I would say it's not very difficult, but it does invlove some extra steps:
    - you need to remove the door;
    - you need to remove the screws that hold the top metal plate (that covers the laser/spindle assy);
    - you need to unclip the 2 clips that hold the metal plate.

    After this you will be able to lift out the assembly and then you can take the motor out of it and lubricate the top bearing. Then you can also put some oil in the bottom hole.
    Rotate the spindle while moving it up and down, so oil gets into the bearings of the motor.

    NOTE: You do not need to remove the spindle from the motor to lubricate it. It's a metal on metal press fit, so do not try to remove it, as it's likely to require a significant amount of force.
  5. Garuman

    Garuman New Member

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    I'm having the same problem with my D-25 unit. I cleaned and lubed the center gear and it works without problem. Only problem is that it can't read the CD. It spined and then shutoff. I managed to clean the second layer of the pcb board and got it to read and play CD. But once I put the boards together and ready to put everything back, it went back to the same problem. Just not gonna read a CD again. So I'm back to square one.

    I was wondering what else can I do?

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    Last edited: Apr 19, 2024
  6. Valentin

    Valentin Well-Known Member

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    If the device works when the 2 PCBs are separated you need to investigate why that happens.
    Something is either shorting from one board to another, from a damaged wire to a PCB or there's some connection that breaks open due to pressure.
    Can't point out where your problem is, you need to investigate that yourself. But start with the basics:
    1. Does the laser move to ToC position ? If no, the sled motor doesn't get power, so look in that direction.
    2. Does the laser turn on ? If no, look at the circuit powering the laser.
    3. Does the lens move up and down trying to focus ? If no, look in that area.
    4. Is the spindle motor spinning ? It should spin quite fast a couple of times. If no, look around the spindle motor drive.

    As a sidenote, you put a bit too much oil/grease on that middle gear, don't need that much.
  7. Garuman

    Garuman New Member

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    Thank you, @Valentin! Per your suggestions, I can tell this much:

    1. The laser moves to the ToC
    2. Since I cannot see the laser with naked eyes, I cannot confirm if the laser turns on or not, but since I could make the unit read a CD as I mentioned in the previous post, I believe the laser has power.
    3. The lens moves up and down and try to focus.
    4. The spindle motor is spinning fast too while the lens moves up and down.

    I might have to get a closer look at the wiring and/or the ribbon wire connections. It has to be something that prevent it from playing a CD.

    On the other hand, is there a way to increase a laser power? I have a feeling that the laser is trying to focus, but loss its power and shutoff.

    Thank you!
  8. Valentin

    Valentin Well-Known Member

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    The laser emits some faint visible red light, but most if the emission is infrared.
    You should see the red light looking from an angle (don't look directly) and the IR will be obvious if you look with a phone camera.

    In regard to power adjustment, strongly recommend against doing that, because it is just a temporary solution that will wear it down much faster.
    If the laser is weak (that must be confirmed first) solution is to replace it. There are others discmans that use the KSS-165A/KSS-220A.
    The focus search will work even if there is no laser beam. You need to see the laser beam visually/with a camera.

    As a sidenote, no need to quote previous posts.
  9. Garuman

    Garuman New Member

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    Alrighty, I will check it out and let see if I can confirm the emission. One thing that I know is that it worked before once I cleaned some parts of the second board. There must be something that triggered it to work at a time.

    Thank you!
  10. Garuman

    Garuman New Member

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    I confirmed that the laser has an emission. So that left me to check the boards and wire connections among others things.

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