Sony CF-1990 evaluating by listening in a video

Discussion in 'Gallery' started by Cassette2go, Aug 10, 2024.

  1. Cassette2go

    Cassette2go Well-Known Member

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  2. Hyperscope

    Hyperscope Well-Known Member S2G Supporter

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    Very helpful and useful video for all those interested in Sony's "Big Mono" offering of the mid to late 70's. A simple straightforward video but no one else has hitherto been capable of making one before on this particular model. So a big thank you :thumbsup: This video is sure to help many others as well.

    Certainly a very nice looking box that is also capable of decent / remarkable amount of bass for what it is. Definitely #1 on my to get list.

    There is a video on youtube of the inside of this model titled: SONY CF-490S Exploded View
    Mister X and Cassette2go like this.
  3. Cassette2go

    Cassette2go Well-Known Member

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    Check out the gallery in here that I posted. A video of the Sanyo m2448 in there.
    You asked for 2 to 3 minutes and you got 6 minutes and then that turned into well. If you got 18 minutes of time to spend listening to me, compare the iconic El Diablo versus the cf1990 versus the m2448 you can go for it. I tried to change it around as if you watch it.
    As I played the m2448 it actually got better sounding as I played it more because it been sitting on my shelf for quite some time and I just haven't played it. So when I first got it off the shelf it just didn't work until I plugged it in and got the circuits warmed up again and then it would work on batteries. But then I had an issue with the batteries. I'm sure it's just terminals that I just didn't take the time to clean them but it operated on batteries as you hear in my video.
    The Victor rc550 has been sitting on the shelf for quite some time as well so I haven't played it that much because a long time ago I changed out the mid-range speaker but not the wooper and not the Tweeter because I got sidetracked. But I do have a newer woofer to install and a newer Tweeter. I just haven't gotten around to doing that.

    The link to the video that you gave me of the exploded view. There's no sound and no description of what the hell he's doing. That sucks in my opinion.
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  4. Hyperscope

    Hyperscope Well-Known Member S2G Supporter

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    Fantastic, a 3 way shoot-out of some old Mono boxes, I will watch the full 18 minutes of course :thumbsup:
    So will a host of lurkers and interested aficionados now and over the years to come.

    In that old video of the Sony CF-490 / CF-1990 he just shows the inside, which is somewhat useful in itself, and how to test the tweeter to see if it is even working. Which is a good point, half these old tweeters are blown, so disconnect them and measure in ohms etc.,

    Once you get through all this other junk and get down to the JVC / Victor rc550 work, any video you make on that, will be useful to many out there. I spent hours looking for video and detailed info on some of these old Mono boxes and there is next to nothing, zilch, so every bit helps, that's my philosophy anyway.
    Mister X and Cassette2go like this.
  5. Cassette2go

    Cassette2go Well-Known Member

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    Remind me to make one of one of my working RC 550s as I have so many things I'm doing. I'll take one that I have. That's not abused and take it apart and just show how it comes apart but not much more about it just so people get can get an idea as to what one should look like on the inside where the wires go and that sort of thing okay?
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  6. Cassette2go

    Cassette2go Well-Known Member

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    Hey hyperscope. Don't just like something like this. Reminds me, okay? Screenshot_20241014-135025.png

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