Hello to all tape lovers! Last summer I visited my parents and found some interesting stuff at the attic Then found out about this forum and I am so happy to see great folks around the world helping each others (and bragging about their precious tech of course ). Here is what I currently have Sanyo JJ-P6 and Sony WM-EX622 Also some nice tapes to feed those two above
haha, thanks! Sanyo is my player, I bought it back in late 90s because I couldn't believe the build quality and the sound coming out from it when I first saw it + 1 battery. I was using it actively until 2005-2006 as no CD could match the convenience (able to walk and run while I have it with me), affordability (good metal/chrome tapes were way less expensive than CDs and I could record and always have the latest mixtapes with me) and one rechargeable battery was keeping it live for hours of playback. At the same time iPod was super expensive, at least where I lived back in a days too. With Sony, I just wanted to compare the sound quality and mobility with Sanyo so I bought it recently. Still, Sanyo is my favorite device
Sanyo had some gems but they also had a ton of entry-level players, I love my early GAL and some of the M-G Models are outstanding. After the early models, I have no idea what their high-end was, they pretty much got buried by Sony over here.
Yeah, they were very good, not just for walkman but also for other types of electronic. But in the 90s, like most other companies, including Sony, Panasonic, Aiwa, JVC and others, they were pushing those bulky plastic stuff that was super ugly, lacking features, using 2 and more batteries etc etc. Even I know those ultra thin models from any of the manufactureres were more fragile and sensitive on movements or twisting, I still prefer them first because of the superior and nicely balanced sound and then of course because of the fancy features for that time.