I got a great deal on this one, the AKAI GX-F60R, my camera is acting strange, not sure why it didn't have better focus.
Do you use a Android Phone ? You can choose the "Photo" - mode of the camera app - there you can adjust the focus.
It's my only AKAI Compact Cassette and it's built like a small tank. I use a Nikon for photos, I went in a changed some settings back, I think it's back to normal now.
It’s a beauty. My friend had an Akai reel to reel in high school, it was a hand me down from his brother. Probably early 70s model.
Great thread Nando. Missed this one. Have way too many decks hanging around the workshop at the moment. The refurb stack of Nakamichi CR* decks is more or less complete. Just the mode-motor in the CR4 to refurb and they will all be done and dusted! The Yamaha stack is collecting dust. That's next on the cards when my cable orders ease up a bit hopefully. The current bench stack. Dragon a mainstay and great for playing Sony Metal ES exchange mix tapes
I just picked up an NAD 6300 deck. It didn’t even arrive yet, but I’m looking forward to getting a chance to mess around with it. By all accounts they are a good deck and I know Nando has one. What intrigued Me is that they mix HX-pro with DynEQ, and the one that I’m receiving supposedly has low hours on it. Like I said over on Phoenix, she ain’t winnin no beauty contest, but it’s what’s under the hood that counts lol. Also missing the correct trim knob, and that red knob gotta go.
It looks very German, I wonder if NAD built for any of their manufacturers. Thanks for posting, it's really cool looking.
Hello Everyone , Wow , those are some nice tape decks I love the old Pioneer deck they really were beautiful machines and who does not like the Pioneer model CT-WM77R I am also a big Teac fan I have one of their decks that had been in daily use for years . I use a Technics for my recording to make tapes for both my Sony and Panasonic walkman . Sincerely Richard
Yes and like I said it’s not winning any beauty contest lol. Someone said it looked very Russian made, or Soviet Union era or something similar. From what I can gather online made by The Japanese OEM company Foster, which is Fostex. I know they are pretty famous for their speaker making. Let’s hope she sounds better than she looks!
I don’t know if NAD produced anything, this one was made by Foster/Fostex, the Japanese OEM company. They may have been responsible for quite a bit of the gear that came out of Japan at one time. And yes definitely more European looking than American or Japanese design. No fuss No bells and whistles but I understand it’s all business. There is somebody online claiming that they can record to +10 dB in BASF true chromes with this deck, And I’m assuming that’s partially to do with the HX-Pro and DynEQ implemented in the deck. I was never really a tape guy, yes I recorded a lot of tapes but I never had a very good deck, and I jumped right in the CDs when they came out. So after revisiting this After many years I kind of had to learn everything all over, or actually learn from scratch what to do. But on a few decks that I’ve had, I found that if it can record those BASF true chromes well, that it’s a good machine. My thoughts anyway, and I understand that other machines may not record them well, but record other tapes very well.
Hello, there are so many good ones made over the years, that it’s hard to choose, but we definitely all have our favorites. Glad you’re liking what you have
hello Overmodulated , So true when my repairshop was in full swing and I did a lot factory warranty for such audio companies at Pioneer and Sony and Panasonic we were also a long time Sony Dealer .
I doubt one could pull off a +10dB peak input recording level and have a good result - especially using true chrome tape. The dB scale on the NAD 6300 maxes at +8dB and the operating manual recommends recording in the -5dB to 0dB range. Nando.
I found my A&D deck could record the BASF true chromes up to around +3 or +4 dB and still sound good. But I can’t hear much past 13,000 Hz anymore so it’s possible it’s distorted above that.
True chrome tapes have a distict smell of wax crayons. As an example, there are a few models of BASF chrome tapes - such as BASF Chrome Super II - that changed in the mid to late 90's to cobalt-doped ferric tape stock. Most Japanese-built decks had difficulty calibrating true chrome tapes. Nando.
My A&D GX-Z9100 from the Japanese market records them very well, and I really love those true chrome BASF tapes. I have a few Denon true chromes also, those I’ve yet to try, but I’m gonna give it a shot when the 6300 shows up. I know some online don’t like the Akai or A&D decks but mine sounds pretty amazing, except for a little bit of hiss it’s virtually indistinguishable from the source. I hope the 6300 sounds as good.
Back in the old days of thrifting 20 years ago, decks like this were pretty much tossed out but I wanted at least one horizontal deck in my collection and probably got this for little money.