My Hitachi 3D Collection 2017...getting there !!!

Discussion in 'Best Threads' started by Boombox Taff, May 14, 2017.

  1. Boombox Taff

    Boombox Taff New Member

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    I know you guys are not big fans of these boxes, but for me some of them hold memories of the 80's. I knew a few people who had them, the 3D7, 3D8 and 3D80 - the 3D8 in particular as i worked in a factory from 88-90 and the 3D8 was the box we listened to everyday in work, whether a Cassette or Radio.

    I want to collect the whole series and getting there, but trying to get mint examples and every function on the box working. I am also trying to get them all boxed with instructions which is going to be difficult.

    I've only been collecting since May 2015, and the first box i got was the 3D80
    This is what I have up to now, but still need to take a picture of a new group shot as I have acquired more since i did a video on youtube with all my boxes, which was last summer 2016. I will take another group shot once i get a few more as it takes ages getting them all out together.

    So here is what I have so far..

    I'll start with the 3D80's.. this is what got me started collecting the 3D series. My very first one is on the front, and in excellent condition. The one on the left back is like new with box but no Instruction manual.

    I have finally managed to get a NOS (New Old Stock) the one on the right back row is the NOS with Manual, original speaker decal, warranty card, box and poly inserts. Box is a little faded from storage.

    This has twin woofers, and to my ears a nicer top end than the 3D8. Also the bass is more refined as the woofers don't pump as hard as the one in the 3D8, this is my personal favourite in terms of styling and how it sounds.
    3D80 Trio.jpg

    This is the top of the back right one.

    3D80 Top.JPG

    I was lucky to buy Northerner's 3d7 - (Thank You Simon). Complete , boxed with instructions and like new, and that really started me off wanting to get them all boxed. I also have since acquired a mint mark II 3D7.

    3D7 One with Instructions.jpg

    3d7 Two.jpg

    And here is the 3D Mark II..these are a little rarer than the mark I.. This was made in 1986 when all the 3d's got gold lettering instead of the white. The graphics have been updated on the top of the Mark II box and do look better IMO than the mark I , I was very lucky to get a mint one of these as I have only seen 3 since i have been collecting. There is no different features, it's exactly the same as the mark I bar the styling.

    3D7 Mark 2 front.jpg

    3D7 Mark mark 2 Front.jpg

    3D7 Mark 2 TOP.jpg


    This was the next Big Beast 3D after the 3D7, it's more powerful than the 3D7 and has a twin deck. The downside is it only has a 3 band graphic equalizer. To my ears comparing this to the 3D80, is more harsh on the top end. bass is the same really, although gives the impression of it being slightly bassier than the 3D80 due to Single woofer bouncing hard. Even though the 3D80 had Double woofers of the same size the bass is not any more powerful due to the amp chips only running half the power to each one, as where all the power goes to the single woofer of the 3D8 hence why it bounces more. Some of the writing on the front of these boxes are white, which were the earlier models.

    This is my gold printed version complete.

    3D8 One.jpg

    3D8 Two.JPG

    3D8 Three.jpg

    This is the 3D8 white printed front Version the earlier Model, again exactly the same as the later gold front model

    white 3d8 one.jpg
    white 3D8 two.jpg

    White 3D8 Top.jpg

    3D88 - Need Instruction Manual

    Virtually identical to the 3d80 in how it sounds, just a restyled 3D80, all features are the same but no tape counter like on the 3D80 and has reverse tape mechanism which the 3D80 doesn't have.

    3D88 One.jpg

    3D88 Two.jpg

    3D88 Top.jpg

    The 3D5
    Quite a small box but good sound for what it is, the woofers are small in this, and runs out of puff after a certain level. Good build quality though like all the earlier 3D models and has 5 band graphic equalizer. There are 2 versions of this, one comes with standard tuner , but this one pictured has the preset radio station feature as well

    3D5 One.JPG

    3D5 Two.JPG

    3D5 Three.JPG

    The CX W800

    This is a really good sounding box and one of the most powerful. First came to the UK shores in 1986.. Also the 1st in the 3D series to incorporate a CD player. These retailed for £300 in 1986 which was a lot of money. I personally love the styling on this box and great build quality and sound too. This is my second one of these and this one the CD works too. This model also has line in, which is the only hitachi 3D model with both a CD Player and Line in.

    CX W800.jpg

    CX W800 Side.jpg

    CX W800 four Top.jpg

    CX W800 Logo.jpg


    The 3D2 is the smallest Hitachi 3D not a bad sound for the size, it is very small and so the woofer doesn't give a lot of thump, but then for a box this size more volume than expected. I think it's a cute looking radio. This is my second one of these and it is like brand new

    Hitachi 3D2.jpg

    Hitachi 3D2 Top.jpg

    Hitachi 3D2 Close up..jpg


    The 3D9 IMO is a lovely looking box, one of the nicest 3D's, good sound but lacking in bass compared to the 3d7, 8 and 80. I have also seen a mark 2 version of this box and is badged 3D 9 mark II and has upgraded graphics. If anyone has one for sale please let me know :). Very good quality build on this.

    3d9 One.jpg

    3D9 Front Top.jpg
    3D9 Front Panel.jpg

    CX W 700 and CX W 750

    Early 90's boxes. These are exactly the same except analogue and digital tuners. Both are CD and twin Cassette. These are good sounding, but the bass falls apart when cranked up loud. Surprisingly the woofer is tiny inside. I took another one i had apart, and it is really weedy compared to the ones in the 3d7, 8 , 80 and 88. I'm surprised it sound as good as it does considering. A lot of people think they are ugly, but i like them. The CX 750 also has a remote. I have it but not pictured.

    CX 700 750.jpg

    CX W700 (Front Box)

    CX 700 front.jpg
    CX 700 TOP.jpg

    CX W750

    CX 750.jpg

    CX 750 top.jpg


    One of the later 3D's, think this is probably early to mid 90's. Sound is ok, but by this time the quality from Hitachi had gone down. Feels and looks cheaper than earlier models and sound is not as good.

    3D40 front.jpg

    3d40 top front.jpg


    This is one of Hitachi's worst sounding boxes. they sold a lot of this model and one on ebay almost every week. Not a patch on the earlier ones and the woofer is pretty poor. These have really given the Hitachi 3D series a bad name, especially if this has been the first in the series anyone had heard.

    3D30 front.jpg

    3D30 Top.jpg


    Similar to the 3D7 in power. I think was the new model of the 3D7. Personally i like the styling of this box, it looks better in the plastic than it ever does in pictures. The sound is pretty good and also well made. Has the option to preset radio station which is a nice feature. 5 band graphic on this one too.

    3d70 Front.jpg

    This thread is continued below as unable to post anymore pictures in this part so see below for the rest.

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: May 14, 2017
    deech, sickly_b, Brutus442 and 3 others like this.
  2. Boombox Taff

    Boombox Taff New Member

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    My 3D collection continued - Part 2


    3D70 Top.jpg

    3D52 (front) and CX 200 (rear)

    Again, 90's models. they sound ok and are no frills. Not a patch as good the early hitachi's but still way better than the 3D30. They are not bad for what they are. The Cd player on the CX 200 has a pretty good sound for what it is.

    3D52 and cx 200.jpg



    3D52 Top.jpg

    CX 200

    CX 200 front.jpg

    cx 200.jpg

    CX w500

    Another twin drive 3D with CD player but this is not as good sounding as the original CX w800 or the 3d80, 3D88 twin drive models. It;s still pretty good but It wouldn't be a first choice for me. This one had a remote for volume and CD player.
    CX W500 one.JPG
    CX W500 three.JPG


    Another 90's box. This one is NOS (New Old Stock)

    This i think is the replacement basically for the 3D70. The sound is ok but the 3D50 is more muddy than the 3D70, although the Equaliser helps a lot and you can get it more crisp with a bit of fiddling.

    3D50 Main.jpg
    Upside down for some reason lol
    3D50 four.jpg

    3D50 Label.jpg

    CX 400

    This is one of the last 3D's made in the 90's. This is NOS (New Old Stock). Not the prettiest.. Sound is just about OK and does not compare to the early Hitachi's.. This was the egg era .. nuff said !! It has a remote as well.

    Hitachi CX 400.jpg
    CX 400 three.jpg


    Another Mid nineties box, but this is a pretty good one actually, the sound is really good and has a good bottom end. Be classed as an egg, but a good sounding egg. There is also another version of this with digital tuner, called the 3D85. I'm still looking for one of those in minty condition.

    3D82 one.jpg

    Upside down again lol
    3D82 four.jpg

    And last the 3D90


    This is exactly the same as the CX W700 except there is no CD player and has analogue Tuner. The 3d95 model also is the same as the CX W750 without the CD player and also has digital tuner.

    This is the only box i have which isn't working properly. the 3D bass doesn't work and so it sounds tinny. So looking for another and also a 3D95.

    I'm am also looking for a mint 3D75 and a 3D85, once i get these I will have most of the models. I have all the 80's ones bat the 3D75 and there are a few of the Egg ones, the Cx 450 CX 950, CX 250 and possibly a few more but almost there.

    If you have read my thread, thanks for looking.
    Last edited: May 14, 2017
    deech, hugo, silversurfer and 5 others like this.
  3. walkman archive

    walkman archive Administrator Staff Member

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  4. T-ster

    T-ster Moderator Staff Member S2G Supporter

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    Great post Taff, a legendary 3D collection going on there.

    Glad to have you back,
    Brutus442 and Boombox Taff like this.
  5. funkitall

    funkitall Active Member

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    That is a stunning collection but where would you store all of them?
    Man cave compared to the front room.......

    My fav is the 3D80.....always wanted one.......but only ever owned one boombox and if Iam correct that was a Hitachi twin front loader with 4 speakers (2 detachable) I reckon it was 1988 when I had it before er, er....breaking it....
    Boombox Taff likes this.
  6. Northerner

    Northerner Well-Known Member

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    the middle of nowhere
    Amazing collection, I like 3D's and I'm glad my boxed 3D7 is now in good company :)
    Boombox Taff likes this.
  7. Boodokhan

    Boodokhan Well-Known Member

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    amazing collection. All minty and shiny. I love all of them specially the 3D super woofer
    Boombox Taff likes this.
  8. Longman

    Longman Well-Known Member S2G Supporter

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    Bournemouth UK
    Good to see you are still collecting. I have mentioned your collection in a couple of threads, as proof that not all collections have to include an M90 and GF777.

    I agree with the comment about the 3D30. Mine got sold on Ebay. I later got a 3D50 and was very pleasantly surprised by the improvement.

    I wonder what the most you have paid for a Hitachi is ? I am sure you could buy quite a few for the price of a grail.
    isolator42 and Boombox Taff like this.
  9. Radio Raheem

    Radio Raheem Well-Known Member

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    All minty, welcome back jullian lad:wink:
    Brutus442 and Boombox Taff like this.
  10. Selcuk Turkoglu

    Selcuk Turkoglu New Member

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    Such a fantastic collection mate, great stuff. I have a 3D5 and think they sound really nice. Love the styling on a lot of these. Keep up the fantastic work!
    Boombox Taff likes this.
  11. nickeccles

    nickeccles Well-Known Member

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    Littlehampton West Sussex
    I only ever liked the 3D7 the first one & I remember them well!! :wink: :reelspin: :reelspin:

    Lost interest when the double tape decks appeared! Yuk! Never was keen on double at all in any form, but the 3D7 is definitely a mid 80's icon & fondly remembered :biggrin:
    Boombox Taff likes this.
  12. Mystic Traveller

    Mystic Traveller Well-Known Member

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    St. Petersburg, Russia - Oxford, GB
    Super 3D Collection!! :nodding::nodding::nodding: Thanks fo sharing, mate! :thumbsup: Mint is always mint, eye candy. :bigthumbsup:
    Boombox Taff likes this.
  13. Boombox Taff

    Boombox Taff New Member

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    Thanks for all the replies, sorry I have not been on since I put these up, just been so busy.. glad you folks are liking them . Cheers Taff
  14. Boombox Taff

    Boombox Taff New Member

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    I still want to buy it HaHa... Also can you message me so I can donate to the site please Hugo as not sure how to do it. Thank you. Julian
  15. Boombox Taff

    Boombox Taff New Member

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    Thank you my friend :thumbsup:
  16. Boombox Taff

    Boombox Taff New Member

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    The 3D80 is my favourite too.. I stored them in the spare bedroom and some in mine too.
  17. Boombox Taff

    Boombox Taff New Member

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    Thanks Simon,it will stay with me forever.. It went to the right guy :thumbsup:
    Northerner likes this.
  18. Boombox Taff

    Boombox Taff New Member

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    Thank you :wink:
  19. Boombox Taff

    Boombox Taff New Member

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    Thank you for your kind words. I have probably paid too much for some of them, but when you collect and you want something you don't mind paying a bit extra. When you get them boxed it's such a good feeling. The 3D50 isn't a bad one but not as good as the 3D80 3D88 or 3D8 in terms of quality but it's still pretty good if you tweek the equaliser.
    Longman likes this.
  20. Boombox Taff

    Boombox Taff New Member

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    Thank you Reno. glad you are still here too :thumbsup:

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