walkman archive

Cassette Comeback In Australian News

walkman archive, Aug 26, 2019
    • Rating:
      Funny news.
      What the dear woman in blue from Melbourne said is somewhat spot on I think. Part of what she mentioned indirectly states the reason why I listen to tapes (and I do belong to the younger generation, albeit one that still grew up with tapes). Besides never having been a fan of streaming (in my opinion just mass music where people just listen to a "theme" or genre rather than to special songs or artists in particular making it a meaningles background noise), the "fragility" makes every listening special and this conscious dedication to the music on that tape until you know it inside out with carefully picked songs which you might have recorded yourself so you never grow tired of it... that's what it is to me and no digital playlist and especially no streaming can be a substitute to that. Then making a careful consideration which tape to take with you on your journey(s), it's just an own thing.
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    Aug 26, 2019
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