Forum rules

These are the forum rules. MUST READ for EVERY member.

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GENERAL RULES AND RECOMMENDATIONS is a private community of users. The administrators reserve the right of admission. The use of these forums and your expression in them is not a public right; it is a privilege granted by the administrators under the terms of these rules, and may be revoked at any time without notice.

The interventions of the users are the sole responsibility of the users. Under no circumstances can the forum administrators be held responsible for them.

Read the titles and descriptions of each section to publish your posts in the right place.

Choose a title that adequately describes the topic to be discussed. Be descriptive. Avoid titles such as "Help, please", "Recommendation for newbies", etc. Instead, use: "help with my SONY walkman" or "cheap boombox recommendation".

The official language in this forum is English. Try to avoid posts in other languages, although small messages in your language is fine if you're sending a quick reply to someone who shares your native language. Keep in mind that in this forum there are users from many different countries and languages (German, Spanish, French, Chinese...) and the only common language is English.

Write respecting the basic rules of spelling and grammar, including the correct use of capital letters, accents and punctuation marks. Do not write with abbreviations (chat, Whatsapp or SMS type), multi-colored text, ALL CAPS or any other effect that makes reading difficult.

Avoid using 'street' expressions that non-native English speakers do not understand. Remember that if others do not understand what you are saying, you will not receive replies.

Avoid swear words. Occasionally using some may be permissible, but in general it is not necessary. Please avoid excesses.

Only sellers and supporters can post in the 2nd hand forums. Any member can become a seller when reaches 15 points (automatically).

Sales and exchanges between individuals must be made in the second-hand market forum or using private messages.

You are allowed to list any walkman, boombox or related item that you own. Please be precise and honest with the description and photos.

Don't steal others's descriptions and photos for your own sales; use your own, show your real gear. Or ask for permission first.

If you try to sell something in a dishonest way to any member here, you will be banned. We don't like scammers and liars.

These rules are not subject to discussion and therefore may not be discussed in the forum, although suggestions are always welcomed.

Discuss issues, but do not point fingers. "That is a stupid idea," is an acceptable post, though perhaps not a particularly well-thought-out one. "You are a stupid person", will result in a moderator removing your post without warning.

Messages that may be abusive, obscene, vulgar, threatening, discriminatory, sexually-oriented, or any other material that would violate any applicable laws are not allowed. Political an religious messages aren't allowed too.

No personal attacks, insults or disqualifications, either explicit or implicit, are allowed. This forum should not be used to resolve personal disputes of any kind.

It is not allowed to provoke users with inflammatory messages with the aim of generating a fruitless confrontation (see 'trolling' and 'flaming'). This type of intervention will be considered as a very serious offence and will lead to expulsion.

It is not allowed to use offensive or derogatory terms to the forum or to the users of the forum.

The decisions of the administrators are final and unappealable. No justification on their part will be necessary.

The decisions of the moderators are not a matter of public discussion. It is possible to appeal moderators' decisions by sending them a private message. You can also send a PM to the administrators.

Moderators and administrators reserve the right to edit, delete or close any thread or discussion, edit user signatures or avatars, or change a given member's access permissions at any time. Users can report any inappropriate content through the ‘Report’ function at the bottom of each forum post.
Nov 30, 2016
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