New Arrival! - Needs Work But Am So Pleased I Got One!!!

Discussion in 'I found this!' started by nickeccles, Jan 26, 2017.

  1. nickeccles

    nickeccles Well-Known Member

    Trophy Points:
    Littlehampton West Sussex
    Turned up early :biggrin: Didn't expect it to arrive till next week!!

    What a beauty :yahoo Very very dirty but complete, however it needs more than a clean :shock :shock :shock

    Cassette deck has a broken key or 2 which I know is common all these models!

    Anyone got any spares for me??

    Tuning knob missing but I may have a suitable one, got to look in my large scrapper box........& although tuning & radio work well, the shaft is loose, an easy fix but must be done of course :wink:

    We can't wait to get on with this one - for now here's a picture or 2 as a teaser - Even my Orange Cat seems to approve...........

    Am like a kid again today, I just keep looking at her!! :bigthumbsup: :bigthumbsup: :bigthumbsup:

    No video yet but wait until she is all repaired :thumbsup:

    Crown CSC-960L Radio Recorder = January 2017 (1).jpg Crown CSC-960L Radio Recorder = January 2017 (2).jpg Crown CSC-960L Radio Recorder = January 2017 (3).jpg Crown CSC-960L Radio Recorder = January 2017 (4).jpg Crown CSC-960L Radio Recorder = January 2017 (5).jpg Crown CSC-960L Radio Recorder = January 2017 (6).jpg Crown CSC-960L Radio Recorder = January 2017 (7).jpg Crown CSC-960L Radio Recorder = January 2017 (8).jpg Crown CSC-960L Radio Recorder = January 2017 (9).jpg Crown CSC-960L Radio Recorder = January 2017 (10).jpg Crown CSC-960L Radio Recorder = January 2017 (11).jpg Crown CSC-960L Radio Recorder = January 2017 (12).jpg Crown CSC-960L Radio Recorder = January 2017 (13).jpg Crown CSC-960L Radio Recorder = January 2017 (14).jpg
  2. mrp32Dave

    mrp32Dave Well-Known Member

    Trophy Points:
    United Kingdom
    Oh very nice :biggrin:, your cat seems to like it a lot :laugh:
    It's nice when something arrives unexpectedly.
    My 850 had broken keys, they glued back together really well and are still fine and that was a few years ago.
    nickeccles likes this.
  3. walkman archive

    walkman archive Administrator Staff Member

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    Nice acquisition, but wrong place to post it. Moved.
    nickeccles likes this.
  4. Mystic Traveller

    Mystic Traveller Well-Known Member

    Trophy Points:
    St. Petersburg, Russia - Oxford, GB
    Nice Crown, Nick - congrats! :)
  5. deech

    deech Well-Known Member

    Trophy Points:
    Athens , Greece
    You will love it Nick and its quite easy to repair considering your abilities,
    After Repairing the Sanyo M9996 this one will be like a toy in your hands.:)
    I love the Pic of your companion with the knife and on the background
    you can read '' you ':Dd have been a great role model'' !!
  6. samovar

    samovar Well-Known Member

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    The CSC 960 is one of the most elegant Crowns of the golden age :) And it sounds good! Maybe not as bassy as the 850 and 980, but very pleasant and clean.
  7. deech

    deech Well-Known Member

    Trophy Points:
    Athens , Greece
    The keys may not be broken Nick as i can see from the pics they are out of line which is
    common in this model and the Crown CSC-950, 945, 948 etc.
    Maybe all they need is just a careful straighten up.
    nickeccles likes this.
  8. nickeccles

    nickeccles Well-Known Member

    Trophy Points:
    Littlehampton West Sussex
    Play key is broken you can see when you press it that it is quite badly damaged :(

    It also skews round & jams, I freed it by powering up & manually forcing the auto stop to release it!!

    This doesn't daunt me, these are so easy to work on & as all the keys are the same I will repair the play key & shift it over to record key as I am unlikely to ever use the record function on any of my machines!!

    Weekend here so we may be getting stuck in tomorrow - can't wait to start it :biggrin:
  9. Easthelp

    Easthelp Active Member

    Trophy Points:
    Florida, USA
    It probably wasn't realized only the night of January 29, 2017. But I understand now why the longwave bands of some obviously analog-era tuners have numerical values that start with relatively large figures and then visually decrease, from left to right.

    This interesting-looking CSC-series Crown -- whatever the model number -- is a clear example. As is seen in photos eight, ten and eleven of our Nick Eccles' recent find, the left end starts at the value 2000 and the dial's values visually decrease to 1000 at the right end of the band.

    To me, that seemed in months (and maybe years) past to be upside-down design and construction of such stereos. But by now I have realized that the respective frequency's wavelength is being displayed, not the frequency itself. Without trying to look up such volumes, I can only obliquely remember and reference the explanations in the relevant chapters in (older) physics textbooks. But I remember the scientific discovery that the speed of light -- also the speed of radio waves -- is about 186,282 miles a second. That's roughly 300,000,000 metres a second. Longwave coverage in radio tuners often starts (or "started") at 150 kilohertz (KHz). The "2000" value displayed at the left end of this Crown's longwave band is obtained by dividing radio-wave speed (in metres) by target frequency (in kilohertz). That is,

    3 x 10E8 / 1.5 x 10E5 = 2,000

    The "1000" we see at the right end of the longwave band thus denotes a 300 KHz frequency. Numerically twice the frequency value, metrically half the wavelength (a thousand metres as opposed to the 2,000-metre wavelength of the 150 KHz frequency).

    As with member mrp32dave, I note your feline's apparent interest in your Crown, sir. (And no, kitty, that's no scratching post, though shortwave reception is scratchy enough, what with all that "static.")

    And I also see that we now see -- well, we now identify Mr Eccles' lady facially. Something we, ah, weren't exactly encouraged to do per (some of) the August 2016 photography that you shared with us ...
    Last edited: Feb 16, 2017
    nickeccles likes this.
  10. nickeccles

    nickeccles Well-Known Member

    Trophy Points:
    Littlehampton West Sussex
    Well Guys..................

    This Crown 960 is turning into a f**king right headache :( :( :(

    Mostly restored but the cassette deck is a nightmare - the keys are not broken at all, the mechanics are pretty much seized up & the autostop is really playing up :eek:

    It's a 'Put Aside' job & one to return to another day............I think a deck stripdown is called for (I know it is!!!) but hoped I could get away with it!! lol

    Anyway, it's got to be done right - I am not keen on this deck, it is a lot more complex then you think!! Microswitches everywhere for the search system & cables that don't unplug ffs!!

    I love this thing & I will get there :)

    Can 't wait to show you guys when it all works again, in the meantime this what I have been looking at:

    I know there's a lot but worth seeing I think :)

    Crown CSC-960L Radio Recorder = January 2017 (15).jpg Crown CSC-960L Radio Recorder = January 2017 (16).jpg Crown CSC-960L Radio Recorder = January 2017 (17).jpg Crown CSC-960L Radio Recorder = January 2017 (18).jpg Crown CSC-960L Radio Recorder = January 2017 (19).jpg Crown CSC-960L Radio Recorder = January 2017 (20).jpg Crown CSC-960L Radio Recorder = January 2017 (21).jpg Crown CSC-960L Radio Recorder = January 2017 (22).jpg Crown CSC-960L Radio Recorder = January 2017 (23).jpg Crown CSC-960L Radio Recorder = January 2017 (24).jpg Crown CSC-960L Radio Recorder = January 2017 (25).jpg Crown CSC-960L Radio Recorder = January 2017 (26).jpg Crown CSC-960L Radio Recorder = January 2017 (27).jpg Crown CSC-960L Radio Recorder = January 2017 (28).jpg Crown CSC-960L Radio Recorder = January 2017 (29).jpg Crown CSC-960L Radio Recorder = January 2017 (30).jpg Crown CSC-960L Radio Recorder = January 2017 (31).jpg Crown CSC-960L Radio Recorder = January 2017 (32).jpg Crown CSC-960L Radio Recorder = January 2017 (33).jpg Crown CSC-960L Radio Recorder = January 2017 (34).jpg Crown CSC-960L Radio Recorder = January 2017 (35).jpg Crown CSC-960L Radio Recorder = January 2017 (36).jpg Crown CSC-960L Radio Recorder = January 2017 (37).jpg Crown CSC-960L Radio Recorder = January 2017 (38).jpg Crown CSC-960L Radio Recorder = January 2017 (39).jpg Crown CSC-960L Radio Recorder = January 2017 (40).jpg Crown CSC-960L Radio Recorder = January 2017 (41).jpg Crown CSC-960L Radio Recorder = January 2017 (42).jpg Crown CSC-960L Radio Recorder = January 2017 (43).jpg Crown CSC-960L Radio Recorder = January 2017 (44).jpg Crown CSC-960L Radio Recorder = January 2017 (45).jpg Crown CSC-960L Radio Recorder = January 2017 (46).jpg Crown CSC-960L Radio Recorder = January 2017 (47).jpg Crown CSC-960L Radio Recorder = January 2017 (48).jpg Crown CSC-960L Radio Recorder = January 2017 (49).jpg Crown CSC-960L Radio Recorder = January 2017 (50).jpg Crown CSC-960L Radio Recorder = January 2017 (51).jpg Crown CSC-960L Radio Recorder = January 2017 (52).jpg
    Mystic Traveller likes this.
  11. Brutus442

    Brutus442 Well-Known Member

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    Jeez Nick! You captured every (and I mean EVERY angle!):yesss:

    Your tear downs are thoroughly enjoyed by this klutz!
    nickeccles and Radio Raheem like this.
  12. Radio Raheem

    Radio Raheem Well-Known Member

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    That's like the small brother to the 980 Nick, nice looking box lad, how about flooding the deck with wd40 and leave it soak mate, that might free it up lol, congrats on another fine looking box ehh
    nickeccles and Brutus442 like this.
  13. nickeccles

    nickeccles Well-Known Member

    Trophy Points:
    Littlehampton West Sussex
    Found the problem, broken springs inside key block - A member here is sending me a 945 deck to use the entire block :wink:

    Stay tuned...................
    Brutus442 likes this.
  14. Radio Raheem

    Radio Raheem Well-Known Member

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    ahh forget the wd40 then, and that pussy looks better than big tits lol, so cute:wink:
    Brutus442 and nickeccles like this.
  15. nickeccles

    nickeccles Well-Known Member

    Trophy Points:
    Littlehampton West Sussex
    Lol - You ain't seen her this evening lad..............

    Not sure I would get away with posting an image :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin:
    Brutus442, T-ster and Radio Raheem like this.
  16. T-ster

    T-ster Moderator Staff Member S2G Supporter

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    Haha you hellar Nick.....
    nickeccles likes this.
  17. Mystic Traveller

    Mystic Traveller Well-Known Member

    Trophy Points:
    St. Petersburg, Russia - Oxford, GB
    :nodding::nodding::nodding: :eyepopping:
    nickeccles likes this.
  18. Risingsunproject

    Risingsunproject Active Member

    Trophy Points:
    Athens Greece
    How you want to repair top panel?
    Lettering and so on!
    I am asking since no one yet has provided me with an answer on how to save letters for example when you want to paint a box.
    Only i heared from someguy in akai forum he did something with computer print
    I am not saying that this is reference to this box since materials on top are not of plastic!
    nickeccles likes this.
  19. nickeccles

    nickeccles Well-Known Member

    Trophy Points:
    Littlehampton West Sussex
    Mine only needs cleaning it is fine under the dirt :thumbsup:
  20. silversurfer

    silversurfer New Member

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    nickeccles likes this.

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