The cheapest cassette deck i ever bought

Discussion in 'Cassette Decks' started by SeanMT, Jun 28, 2017.

  1. SeanMT

    SeanMT Member

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    Novato, CA, US
    So I was at my locale goodwill and i was going to buy some film for my camera that my sister got me. I saw the film and realized that it was the wrong kind of film for the camera which sucked but. That when I saw it. IMG_1285.jpg
    The Sharp RT - 3388a ( i don't know why the threes are like that :shrug: but any ways) I walked up to it to see if it worked and it sort of did.

    It did not play (which sucks but at lest it dose something)

    and it did not Rewind

    how ever it does Fast Foreword

    I do want to add that the cassette deck use to light up but for some reason the lights were vary dim and they also flickered in sears weirdly enough. But that make me think that theirs something wrong with wiring (or with the cassette deck) and not the light bulbs. I also checked to see if the Computer Controlled™ did some (because i know that's one of the problems with these type of cassette deck) and in happy to say


    it displays something!!! (here's the "Computer" in the clock setting and my index finger in the shot :hmmm )
    not surprisingly the light was burned out. In which i had to use a flash light and is the reason why it looks like 12:44 AM instead of PM


    Now here's it in counter mode. The deck will default to the counter when you turn it on and then back to the clock when you put it in to stand by. oh and by the way the LCD was what got me sold on this as well as the price which ill get to soon;) but i still want to mention a few things like. The timer function being the main selling point of this cassette deck. Yep say good bye to you timer boxes (if you even have one) this cassette deck has its own built in timer and you can and yes it say's in the manual dais change your amplifier and you sources though the cassette deck. but to be fair the plug is rated for 400 watts max out so i could be over reacting over nothing but the idea of it is crazy at lest to me it is. but I guess amplifiers don't take as much power as I thought they do. Oh well away from this filler that took me half an hour to write out and back to the main point. The counter or the computer has a cool timer feature that you can program to go on and turn off to the desired time you want.

    example: i want to record a album but i have to be at school by 8:23 am and i need to lave the house by 7:45 to catch the bus.

    so ill tell it to go off at 8:30 am while I'm at school

    and the album is an hour long so ill have it turn off at 9:30 am

    and now i just set the power switch to auto and it takes over from there. IMG_1288.jpg

    and that how the counter oh sorry the Computer Controlled ™ works

    also the V.U. works vary nicely as you saw in the first picture and that's really all except
    the price. yeas buy fare the cheapest cassette deck i have ever bought and i own a bought 7 cassette decks. technically 8 but we don't mention the ION 2 Computer Ca-ca, ca, cas, cassette deck. Ill wright about the deck and my experience with it another time. what did i pay for it well just look for your self

    9 DOLLARS !!! well more like 10 but still before this, the cheapest cassette deck that I had was my JVC KD D50 which i payed 16 DOLLARS so this was 6 dollars less and does not really work but 10 bucks. for me that is the cheapest cassette deck I've ever bought.

    and here's some more Awesome pics!!! for y'all IMG_1298.jpg

    well that's all thanks for reading this post or looking at it
    if you did not read it. all will be posting more stuff later.
    OK now that all i have to say/type bye for now.:wave:
    Last edited: Jun 28, 2017
  2. Radio Raheem

    Radio Raheem Well-Known Member

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    Nice deck mate, id deffo go back and get the jvc aswell
    Brutus442 likes this.
  3. SeanMT

    SeanMT Member

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    Novato, CA, US
    sorry there was a little bit of a typo with this sentence (9 DOLLARS !!! well more like 10 but still be for this) be and for was suppose to be before sorry for that mix up and I have the Jvc (kd d50) and (DD99). oh and ill also add, these pics. were taken after i bought the deck (.)(just in case any one was curios.)
  4. walkman archive

    walkman archive Administrator Staff Member

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    Nice deck and super-price. Congrats!
  5. Boodokhan

    Boodokhan Well-Known Member

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    $10 is a great bargain for that beautiful deck. congratulation. :thumbup:
    I have donated many items to Goodwill but never had luck to get anything from them.
    I will post some picture of my next donation to goodwill.
  6. Longman

    Longman Well-Known Member S2G Supporter

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    Bournemouth UK
    This is why we are all admiring your JVC

    $900 new !

    The only thing I have bought from a Charity shop recently is a Sony DVD / Hard Drive recorder with DVB Digital Tuner for £10.
    I have two already but can't resist a bargain, and it supports a good cause (at least that's my excuse).

    p.s regarding your comment on switching power, 400W is a lot. An amplifier is typically 50% efficient so a 30W per channel amp will take a peak of about 120W. Something like a tuner would only take a couple of watts. The dial lights would probably take more than the electronics.
    Last edited: Jun 29, 2017
    Radio Raheem likes this.
  7. SeanMT

    SeanMT Member

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    Novato, CA, US
    well I will be honest and say that I bought that jvc off of E-bay and i payed a pretty harsh price (at lest it thought is it was) of $300.
    But I will admit it is one of the best cassette decks out of the collection (of 7 that I currently own) and it is technically cheaper than a Sony TC-K909ES so that was my reason to buy it.
    how ever I never read the reviews on this thing and i am quite I'm pressed.

    P.S. Thanks for the info on the amplifier and the link for the cassette deck.
    Brutus442 likes this.
  8. Brutus442

    Brutus442 Well-Known Member

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    It's really nice to see genuine collectors snapping these bargains up because you'll know they'll be appreciated to their fullest!

    What a haul!
    samovar and Radio Raheem like this.
  9. autoreverser

    autoreverser Well-Known Member

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    now this is a lovely men's-deck ! loads of buttons to play with, looks extremely important !
    wow, and never heard of an "auto-progam-locate-device" - this is eye-popping

  10. Deliverance

    Deliverance Active Member

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    United Kingdom.
    Nice deck for peanut's happy days.

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