Hi all, According to Walkman Central the WM-D6 has a speed adjust "up to 4%" (I'm assuming that this reference means +/- 4% rather than +/- 2%, and that the WM-D6C has that same speed adjust range). My question is if anyone knows a way to modify/expand the speed adjust range to something roughly between +/- 10% and +/- 20%. The icing on the cake would be to wire a panel mount potentiometer near the playback controls for this purpose. (If anyone is curious about my reasoning: I am a DJ who plays techno off cassette tapes. Having a wider speed range allows for easier beat-matching. Being able to widen this range on high quality portable cassette decks would allow me to try some different models such as the WM-D6C.) Thanks!
Thanks for the reply, Yes, the WM-D6C does have an option for quartz control, which I would happily use when recording tapes on this device, however in my purposes I would be disengaging the quartz control by switching the simple switch on the rear side of the device. This allows for the +/-4% speed adjust dial to be used. According to the schematic in the service manual (which can be downloaded for free here: WM-D6C), the +/-4% speed adjust dial on the rear of the WM-D6C is the RV602 "20k-B" potentiometer. One thought I had was replacing this with a potentiometer of a different rating in hopes of expanding the speed adjust range, although my electronic skills leave that answer unclear. There are also two other potentiometers, RV601 and RV603 on the main board, which are also used to adjust other aspects of the tape speed (while the bridge is unsoldered - according to the service manual). Perhaps those could be utilized towards my goal of modding or adding a +/- ~15% speed range adjust.