Sony TPS-L2 Gear Issue

Discussion in 'Tech talk' started by Sergeant_Ryan_, Nov 1, 2017.

  1. Sergeant_Ryan_

    Sergeant_Ryan_ New Member

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    Hey guys. So I recently picked up a TPS-L2 off of eBay. Of course it was for parts or repair. So I figured I'd replace the belts and adjust the speed and everything would work like usual when I replace the belts in a Walkman. However, upon replacing the belts, I've found that the Walkman doesn't play normally. Instead, it has A LOT of wow and flutter and the central drive gear is either very slow or doesn't move at all. Every gear rotation I notice the sound of the tape playing getting very slow after it passes a certain point. It has nothing to do with the belts themselves, as I've replaced them with brand new ones and they are installed in the correct way. I've also adjusted the motor speed, the capstan, and there are no visible obstructions in the gear that I can see. I've even tried applying WD-40 to the gears to see what would happen. But nothing seems to be working. Any ideas?
  2. A O

    A O Well-Known Member

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    The English Riviera
    An obvious point but have you put the belts back on properly. If you twist the belt incorrectly then the capstain would go the wrong way to the pinch roller direction, if you know what I mean. Might be worth a check.

    Also, WD40 isn't the best for removing grease. Grease builds up on all parts so rollers, tyres and pullys are all in danger. You might want get some dedicated degreaser from your electronics store and don't forget to wipe it off afterwards.
  3. buzbox

    buzbox Active Member

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    I would only add lubricant ( not WD-40) to the shafts the gears are mounted on. Just a small amount though. Like AO mentioned above I would also make sure the belt that goes around the motor is on correctly. Did you clean the pulleys that both belts run on? Even if it's visually clean there is a big chance there are gunk or crap on the pulleys. Also check the rubber pinch roller. If it's shiny then best thing to do is try some rubber rejuvenator or with a light sanding with very fine grit emery paper. The motor might also be dirty. I had a TPS L2 that was in shocking condition and the motor would not run. After new belts and a dab of lubricant on the motor shaft it sprang to life and sounded quite good. Just make sure not to get any oil or grease on the belts. Hope this helps.
    A O likes this.

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