Hi, Strangelove's here. Dear I'm not good when it comes to introducing myself. Well, I'm an English-speaking French-German girl whose most recent interest happen to be tape players, Exclusively Sony Walkman and decent quality decks. I have bought (but not yet received) a Sony WM-D6C because why start with something simple when you can reach the endgame with your first purchase, right? Second is a WM-701C, gorgeous, new old stock and... dead on arrival. Both units needs some love and new belts EDIT: And now a pristine red DD-30 Anyway, see ya on this forum even though I'm probably not going to post a lot, my opinions are far from being popular and I hate conflict so... See ya~
Welcome to Stereo2go Strangelove i like your style, starting from the top end . When i got my first home tape deck, i started with a brand new Nakamichi Cassette Deck 1 out of the shops. From there i moved onto Nakamichi CR-7, like you i start with the best i can afford
@walkman archive: Indeed. I have limited space so the SCALA setup (TC-S1 with matching amp) would be lovely. Or a TC-K561S or similar >u< I don't feel the need for a really, really over-the-top deck yet, bad acoustic in my room and I have good headphones for home listening. I may change my mind if I feel the need to make even better mixtapes than what the D6C can produce though @Boodokhan: Thanks! I guess a D6C, DD(30 because of its look and, well, I love the red one) and 701C is a good all-around starting point. A do-it-all that is the D6C, which can produce the mixtapes I will listen to on the go on a belt-strapped DD when I need quality, or on the 701C when I need something that fits in a tight jean's pockets.