Kenwood Boombox ?!! - - - Kenwood DC-20

Discussion in 'Gallery' started by Ω SK-95, Dec 23, 2016.

  1. Ω SK-95

    Ω SK-95 Active Member

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    Barrie, ON, Canada
    Hi Everyone!

    Kenwood DC-20

    I am amazed at the amount of electronic equipment that my eyes never laid sight on to, even when I was most interested in this stuff back in the early 80's. Three weeks ago I saw this Kenwood portable unit on Kijiji Canada, and it looked pretty minty and so early 80's, it got me curious instantly. :eyepopping: I was pretty lucky that the seller had to go to Toronto and so he kindly dropped it off at my Tech's shop. The tape mechanism was really the only problem with the unit, and the Tech got right on it. His only comment was that the deck was one of the most difficult he had to work with in a very long time, but he managed to replace the belts and it is just like new! :reelspin:

    I was going to mention something about the sound, but after writing a few lines about it, the only thing that really stands true is that is doesn't sound any better or any worse than anything else that I have. So that's that!

    The unit is heavy, but nothing out of the ordinary for the time, the finishes are truly high-end. All metal encasings and solid brushed nickel buttons, very state-of-the-art stuff. :bigthumbsup: Even the volume button can be pushed in so as to not stick out as much and you can still turn the volume up and down. I suppose I was a bit disappointed that this unit did not come with the additional outer casing that would make it truly portable. I wonder if I can find one... or I guess I might have to ask one of my welder friends to make one for me in stainless steel... we'll see! Also, I would have liked to see a set of LED VU meters on it, as well as a recording level control. It would have truly completed a nearly perfect Hi-End Hi-Fi piece of portable equipment.

    Anyway, can't wait to hear your thoughts on it!! Cheers! :moonwalk:


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  2. Ken80s

    Ken80s Well-Known Member

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    The built quality as of home deck sets. Never seen this model before, very tough indeed!
    Jvc floyd and Ω SK-95 like this.
  3. Ω SK-95

    Ω SK-95 Active Member

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    Barrie, ON, Canada
    Thanks Ken! Almost as nice as the model in your Avatar! The nicest one on Stereo2Go! Good Taste! ;)
    Ken80s likes this.
  4. Mystic Traveller

    Mystic Traveller Well-Known Member

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    St. Petersburg, Russia - Oxford, GB
    Wow, bud, you are indeed a lucky man! :)

    That Ken is a famous "El Poco", a very rare Mini System (or if we use JVC terms - Portable Compo) from Kenwood. :rolleyes:
    Never seen it in flesh yet only read about this model.
    Why they named it "El Poco" I don't know but I saw it's photos with "El Poco" sticker on the cassette door.

    As for an additional outer casing it has one, very solid and classy looking, I am not sure if it was an option for it or not.
    BTW, if I remember correctly DC-20 could be used in a portable setting without the amplifier section.
    Here we go - the case CC-20T (you can try search it) and specs if you are interested:

    DC-20.jpg DC-20_1.jpg
    Last edited: Dec 23, 2016
    Reli, retro and Ω SK-95 like this.
  5. retro

    retro Active Member S2G Supporter

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    New York
    Very rare and gorgeous unit indeed, thanks for the info Mystic Traveler.
    Last edited: Dec 23, 2016
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  6. Ω SK-95

    Ω SK-95 Active Member

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    Barrie, ON, Canada
    Mystic, you truly amaze me! You are a real fountain of information! :thumbsup:
    I got the unit because I instantly got curious about it. I never knew Kenwood had also gotten into this "Portable Compo/Boombox" business. I do not have much space for this stuff and I'm trying to not go overboard with it. It was not an easy decision for me to let go of the Sanyo C-20, being so rare and in such great condition. :frown:
    This Kenwood is an amazing Compo, but my priority is a mint Aiwa CS-880, so if one comes around, this Kenwood will go or maybe it will be the Panasonic RX-C100. Decisions... decisions! :scratch2:
    Last edited: Dec 24, 2016
    Mystic Traveller likes this.
  7. Mystic Traveller

    Mystic Traveller Well-Known Member

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    St. Petersburg, Russia - Oxford, GB
    Thank you, mate, but no, not me actually. :) I just recalled where I got that knowledge -
    some pieces came from my hobby pals at , some - from the old S2G/Boomboxery crew. :)
    As for the limited space, the same issue here, one of the reasons I haven't acquired a single box in almost a year. :hissyfit:
    Brutus442 and Ω SK-95 like this.
  8. Brutus442

    Brutus442 Well-Known Member

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    Tony you did it again! Are you intercepting all the good boxes headed for Toronto? You're freezing us out of the action down here!;)

    What a beautiful unit Tony. Are the speaker cabinets wood? I'm curious...
    Radio Raheem and Ω SK-95 like this.
  9. T-ster

    T-ster Moderator Staff Member S2G Supporter

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    Wow that is a beautiful Kenwood unit, very rare and high end. What a lucky find
    Jvc floyd and Ω SK-95 like this.
  10. samovar

    samovar Well-Known Member

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    That's a wonderful box for sure Tony, extremely elegant and with a very good sound. Ok it does not have a monster bass, but highs and mids are crystal clear and crispy. Years ago I was lucky enough to find a complete unit -- the El Poco with its case. In answer to Mystic Traveller I'll add that the case was not an option, as it was an integral part of the compo. It's elegant and handy, but it does not add anything to the functionality of the box as such. Nice that you found one Tony, I have always thought that the style of this Kenwood is very much in line with the Pioneer design :)
  11. Deliverance

    Deliverance Active Member

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    United Kingdom.
    A very rare bird they look good you did well to find one .
    Ω SK-95 likes this.
  12. Ω SK-95

    Ω SK-95 Active Member

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    Barrie, ON, Canada
    Wood? Ahh... yes? I think so! Sorry, I can't be more sure right now. I put it up on the high shelf and it's not too easy to just yank out of there, but next time I handle it again I will definitely look at it a bit closer, as now I am curious as well. I just pulled it out a bit and it does appear to be wood. I set it in place with plans to leave it there for good while... y'know "... to make it appear like it's been there for a while..." :ninja: (I took notes!) . I also use these semi-transparent (very breathable) fabric which hides the boxes to a great deal. :idea: A sort of "musical chairs" happens here under the veils, which helps to distract the local boombox inventory auditor!

    As for intercepting... are you kidding me? Aren't I the one that posted 16 beautiful boxes off of Kijiji for all here to have a go at them? I've ran out of restricted boombox territory area! I've got an area that is 50 sq. ft. or 15 linear feet that has been established for the purpose of keeping boomboxes and tapes and there aren't enough of these guys :glance: :glance: :glance: :glance: or even these guys (I just hired them!) :bodyguard: :bodyguard: :bodyguard: to help me hide a few in the "neutral zone". Take a closer look at that Kijiji list and tell me I wouldn't go for at least 3 or 4 of those boxes? This Kenwood made it, but others have had to go underground until a new deal is reached with the Mayor of the house, and you of all people know what that's like!! It is like a high-end Hi-Fi kinda "Portable Compo" like Mystic calls it, I guess if we were all to vote on it, some of us would not classify it as part of the 3 (or 4) piece boombox category? Nevertheless, it was a great find and the gentleman that sold it to me knows he sold me a rare piece. He was amazingly accommodating.
    Merry Christmas Brutus! :cheers:

    IMG_4169.JPG IMG_4170.JPG
    Brutus442 likes this.
  13. Ω SK-95

    Ω SK-95 Active Member

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    Barrie, ON, Canada
    Hi Sal, thanks, it was indeed a great find. It's good to know you also have one and have the original case. :thumbsup: I wonder if I were to have pictures and measurements from your box, if I could have someone attempt to replicate it? I cannot fathom the idea that I'd be so lucky as I've been deemed to be, to have an original box of this unit find its way to me! My intention is with each passing summer to take my boxes out and play them! This one will sit at home in the corner because it is not truly as mobile as the others! :scoccer:It can't go outside and "play" with the others! :hissyfit: :badmood:

    Oh well, if anyone here knows of a Kenwood DC-20 case that no longer has its Compo partner "to serve and protect" :police:, I would very much like to be given the opportunity to buy it!! :)
    Last edited: Dec 24, 2016
    Brutus442 likes this.
  14. Ω SK-95

    Ω SK-95 Active Member

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    Barrie, ON, Canada
    [QUOTE="... I have always thought that the style of this Kenwood is very much in line with the Pioneer design :)[/QUOTE]
    Hey Sal, it's hard to disagree with you as both Kenwood and Pioneer did at times go all out with high-end quality products and finishes on their equipment, but I am curious, which Pioneer models did you think about when making this comparison? I can think of one line (at least?) where this comparison is quite true in my opinion. I had never thought about it, but its got merit. Some of these units are indeed in a class by themselves.
  15. Radio Raheem

    Radio Raheem Well-Known Member

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    Just beutiful Tony, always wanted this kenwood Dibs, i once offered an m90 for one but the deal fell through my man, what's the weight of the kenwood mate, the nearest box i have to this is the sony cfs f40 and it weighs a ton period but it's only a small box but is weighs more than something like an m90 or the heavy pioneer 909, congrats on such a super find:)
    Brutus442 and Ω SK-95 like this.
  16. Ω SK-95

    Ω SK-95 Active Member

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    Barrie, ON, Canada
    Hey Raheem, Thanks! As per Mystic's specs sheet it appears it weighs 12.2Kgs or 26.9 Lbs. It sure does feel very state-of-the-art type of electronic Hi-Fi equipment for a "Portable Compo". When you touch these buttons, they feel like "wow!", it's every bit what the pictures show! Again, I feel it could have used a bit more sparkle if it had been given an equally high-end LED set VU meters and yes, why not, a recording level set of buttons, because otherwise it is a damn complete box. Dibs?... mmm, you're the first one to call it! You touched a nerve there with me... a Pioneer Sk-909, not a bad start! Next in line... Aiwa CS-880, or dare I even say an Aiwa TPR-990? Already too many too list... For now I am so going to enjoy this beautifully designed Kenwood! Happy New Year Raheem! I might be going back to England in June 2017 (still a maybe!). Cheers!
    Radio Raheem likes this.
  17. Ω SK-95

    Ω SK-95 Active Member

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    Barrie, ON, Canada
    Yeah, on this one I did not hesitate much! I contacted the gentleman within about 40 minutes of it having been listed! Pretty happy to have caught a much desired... bird!
  18. Ω SK-95

    Ω SK-95 Active Member

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    Barrie, ON, Canada
    Lucky indeed, but it was not easy to get it in my hands logistically speaking, but thanks to the seller it worked out just beautifully! Thanks T-Ster! Merry Christmas, Happy New Year and wishes of equal luck to you for 2017!!
    Mystic Traveller likes this.
  19. Patron

    Patron Active Member

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    Congrats Tony, It looks pretty neat.
    Ω SK-95 likes this.
  20. nickeccles

    nickeccles Well-Known Member

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    Littlehampton West Sussex
    That has some amazing features, I love the bass/treble touch controls with the Led's

    Trio is/was a top hi-fi manufacturer so it's no surprise to see the quality in this machine :)
    Ω SK-95 likes this.

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