Merry Christmas! Hey everyone, haven't posted in a while but I've been busy getting some boxes . Picked up Lasonic 935 third generation, a steal, thought he made a typo in his post and left out a zero. Love it, plays in living room. Got a Panasonic 5005 at estate sale, looks cool, complete but has serious yellowing in back and top. Told fiancee I wanted a big holy grail type of box and could I spend up to $250. She's cool and said ok. Up to this point I haven't spent more than $50 on a box and I have some great ones. On the 21st I scored this big boy Sharp gf-767Z, yes a Z. Sounds great! Volume scratchy at 3/4, had to blow the dust off the speakers. Been cleaning it up on the outside and will post better pics soon, lots of crevices. Missing the usual antennae's but pulls stations strong. One cassette door and five switch covers and a speaker cover. Has battery cover which I have to have because I take my boxes camping with me . So I got a great box and a great girl, so it's a great Christmas. Wishing you all the best this coming new year!!
Thanks. Was playing the Lasonic in one room and the 767 in the other for New Years. Surprising bass on the Sharp!
Sharp 777 seems to be pretty common in China, I have visited 4 old speaker sellers and 2 of them have one in their store, one of them had a Toshiba rt-s983. No one wanted them so they were selling them for a relatively cheap price.
A couple of years ago I would have agreed about the GF777. There were always two or three on Ebay from China but they weren't cheap. I remember one Chinese seller posted a picture of a stock room full of GF777s. He must have had about fifty of them. I wonder if they were standard issue for schools or a similar official use. I believe the GF777z were made in China so you could imagine the Chinese Government placing a big order in the same way that the UK Government ensured every school in the UK got a few BBC Microcomputers.
I don't know about whether it is a standard for official use, but I do know that some 777s were made in China. Online sellers are selling them for about $300 to $400, and offline sellers are selling them for about $100 t0 $200, but the models offline are mostly broken ones. I remember my father told me about one of their officials back in the day got a 777 just for learning English (English listening and speaking materials are usually on cassette, Chinese government is corrupted back them ).
In the early days of Ebay and the forum there seemed to be a huge supply of them over in China for a few hundred dollars. It was the first time we could buy directly from China and a very interesting experience for the members that decided to take a chance. I feel like some of the boxes were ok and some were DOA but return shipping was way too much to get a refund for the box if it had exploded on the inside during shipping.
yeah, shipping an item that is large and heavy from one side of the planet to the other will definitely cost a lot. In fact, recently I bought a sharp gf-535, which weighs 8.1 kg, from yahoo japan, it will be ship to China and the estimated shipping cost will be $60 at the minimum.