I want Deech and Northerner back...

Discussion in 'Chat Area' started by autoreverser, Feb 21, 2018.

  1. autoreverser

    autoreverser Well-Known Member

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    ...and s2go isn't s2go without Deech & Northerner and many, many other honoured members wich are starting to disappear from here. well, maybe the goose will switch out the lights here one day :shock
  2. walkman archive

    walkman archive Administrator Staff Member

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    Let’s hope with the old DB recovered they come sooner or later.
    The only one that has been banned is northerner, because he insulted me. But even though that’s sad, I’d unban him as I know he’s surely a good guy and he said that when he was on fire. He just has to give his excuses and i can finish that.
  3. T-ster

    T-ster Moderator Staff Member S2G Supporter

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    I don't think under the current climate you will see them return.

    I would also like to point out that Northerners "insult" was exceedingly mild and at that point he decided to quit, he was not banned.

    Northerner was a prolific poster, has a wide range of topics and interests so you could always be sure of an interesting topic from him. Be it pinball, vintage finds, boomboxes, walkmans, stories, meets, there was always something cool of his to read and i think the loss is on the sites side. Its a bad day when a fellow like him, a generous, fun and interesting guy, well respected in the community decides to no longer be a part of this place.

    Hugo, sooner or later with multiple people leaving and the old guard all abandoning this place you have to accept you may have made an error of judgement in peoples treatment. If you don't it is both short sighted and foolish. Soon all you will be left with is unintelligible drivel from our favorite gibberish poster and AM LW radio posts. The content quality is slipping and no one will visit.

    If it were my place i would be apologising to Deech, Samovar, Northerner, Docs, HisRudeness etc and trying to encourage them back not pretending i dont understand what everyones problem is therefore it must be their issue.

    Yes its your website and you can do what you want but do you want to be the proud owner of a premier vintage audio site with lots of members or the owner of that site that everyone left....

    Feel free to ban me, delete my account or whatever else you wish.

    T-ster out.
  4. A O

    A O Well-Known Member

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    The English Riviera
    I'll be blunt. There's an atmoshphere on post-Hoopla Stereo2go that just leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

    Hugo, we are graitful for you helping it rise from the ashes but it seems this has come at an expense. It seems the harmony we once had has been eroded away and has been replaced by what I can only describe as a dictatorship.

    You just can't run a forum with a culture of bullying and showing disregard for things you 'choose to dislike'. Moderators/admin/site owneres are not police officers, this is a all too comon mistake. Taking things personally and over reacting sends a negative signal to your community. Running a site like this succesfully means you are required to promote interaction and encourage member involvement. A positive community is the key to the performace of the site, surely?

    Hugo, can I suggest that as site owner that you put your whip down and let your superb moderators do their job?
    Mystic Traveller, samovar and retro like this.
  5. autoreverser

    autoreverser Well-Known Member

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    we seem to be the same opinion. just this morning i wrote a pm to hugo with more or less the same content, i don't want to make it public until hugo answered me but i'm going to afterwards. i'm loosing fun on this here...
    samovar likes this.
  6. Deliverance

    Deliverance Active Member

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    United Kingdom.
    The last three posts say it all as far as I am concerned .. Hugo it's clear the rod of iron approach is not working you need to sit back and let the mods get on with it ( if there are any left ) ..
    Radio Raheem and samovar like this.
  7. samovar

    samovar Well-Known Member

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    I'll have my say, although I had opted for silence. I'll speak my mind because I owe it to T-Ster's, AO's, autoreverser's and Deliverance's extremely lucid posts. And because I owe it to deech, Northerner, NickFish, docs, and to all the people who didn't embark on the post-Hoop.la stereo2go such as stereomad, hisrudeness, TheLion among others who had their say loud and clear long ago -- apologies for those I forget.

    I do not care for apologies myself -- but thank you T-Ster for suggesting that I might. Why? Because I may have been somehow mistreated, but I think that mistreatment, if any, was unintentional.

    What I care for is a forum where people exchange their opinions without being constantly reminded that they must be grateful.

    Mind you: like AO, I am genuinely grateful to WalkmanArchive for rescuing the site. Everybody, even the people who left long ago is and was. This is something I know for sure.

    The fact is, this kind of gratitude can only be used once -- like maidenhood, wrote malignantly Faulkner in one of his stories. Then the life of a forum goes on, everything starts anew, people commence to trade knowledge, experience, wits, and the place gets back to life.

    This is not what happened to stereo2go, possibly because it is managed more like a personal site than like a collective forum.

    Sorry, it's not my cup of tea. I have started posting on boomboxery, where together with members who are active on both forums I meet all the abovementioned former stereo2goers (the only exception being TheLion, whose enlightening posts, however, I enjoy in his wonderful AiwaWalkman site).

    How come? I used to think that boomboxery was a bit too professional for a technical ignoramus like me. Perhaps even slightly cold, as opposed to the warm family air I found here. Why then did I start posting there, given that stereo2go is my cradle, the place where I was born and raised?

    Simply put: (1) boomboxery is a much more relaxed and friendly place than I thought; (2) there's no more fun on stereo2go. The last four posts speak volumes on this respect.

    This said, I don't see the reason to call myself out, like so many people have done. I understand and respect their motivations, but unless I am thrown out I'll stay. Only, I will not post as often as I used to. I reserve the right to spend my spare time where I can enjoy a good company and breathe some fresh air.

    Kudos to all my friends, I've learned a lot from you guys. And peace to everybody.
    Last edited: Mar 3, 2018
  8. walkman archive

    walkman archive Administrator Staff Member

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    Guys, I'm sorry for what I did wrong.
    Northerner is not banned anymore. He and all the rest can come when they want.
    I'm tired of discussing this.

    AO, if you want to be a mod again, just send me a PM.
    Boodokhan and autoreverser like this.
  9. Radio Raheem

    Radio Raheem Well-Known Member

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    No disrespect Walkman archive.....you banned the lion...i want him back thank you
    autoreverser likes this.
  10. autoreverser

    autoreverser Well-Known Member

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    Thank you, walkman archive:rockonbaby:thumbup:
    ...now two other gentlemen need to jump over their shadow - there's two empty chairs on the round table :please:

    and finally i also like the AO- suggestion :thumbsup:
    walkman archive likes this.
  11. walkman archive

    walkman archive Administrator Staff Member

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    Well, The Lion did go into the personal when he went against me; also he threatened me by email later. Sorry but no, he will remain banned.
  12. autoreverser

    autoreverser Well-Known Member

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    ok, i'm off this thread and concentrate on my stereo's - there's a few units i got new and need to share with you baggers - pics tonight !
    Radio Raheem likes this.
  13. Patron

    Patron Active Member

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    What about , Panasonic fan is he coming back too, let’s send him a dialog,
    Radio Raheem likes this.

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