I'm an electrical engineer with an obsession for fixing broken boomboxes. I started rescuing boomboxes last year and began modifying them by adding bluetooth and a 3.5mm audio jack also. I've decided to start selling some as a little side gig. I made a website and etsy page. I'd appreciate yall's thoughts on the website and the modifications! Take a look and let me know what you think. I enjoy the repair work a lot more than the modifications but I think people will use these boomboxes more if they have bluetooth. www.songbirdaudio.net
Welcome! It's nice to see a newer generation fixing and selling equipment, all the guys I run across are usually way past retirement. Another option for Bluetooth is the ION Bluetooth Cassette Adapter, I don't use mine much but they are also helpful to see if the tape deck works when the belts are broken.
I think you have an Instagram page that i follow. and I think you got a TRK-W2 that i am waiting to see whether or not you are able to fix the detachable walkman. anyway, welcome to S2G forums, glad to see you here
Fixed it today...i'll post a video in the morning. It was in really rough shape. Battery acid leaked all over the pcb and corroded it, some vias were really badly damaged and it took a lot of work to get going again. It had a bad switch, put new belts on it, speed wasn't right, but there was just too much friction...needed a good cleaning and greasing and now it's running great! Definitely one of the more challenging repairs. But worth it...that box is awesome! And no DJDesign, I haven't sold any yet so no reviews. I'll post a video sometime soon that goes through the full features of one and shows the bluetooth working so people will have an idea of how good they sound. I work really hard to make everything perfect on them. Thanks everybody, David