Hello all! Last year I managed to finally get a C100...the Helix version. Really hard to find over here in the UK so I stumped up a lot of cash for one that had already been imported from the US...I comfortably tripled the most I’d ever paid for a box lol! This one is all intact apart from damaged feet which I’ve since rebuilt. I’ve restored it and it’s now fully working including both decks...not an easy one to do. So it’s now in pride of place on my shelves and I frickin love the damned thing Well yesterday I stumbled across a much cheaper BIN on eBay...still not exactly cheap once shipping to the UK and import tax (damn rip off) is added. It was very dirty but mostly intact. After 30 seconds of thinking about it I thought to hell with it just buy it!!! It’s missing the metal fascia to the lower deck keys and the tray fascia...I’ve a vague memory that someone was making the fascias?...is that right? I’m also looking for a lower deck key too. Well here it is in all it’s mucky glory, can’t wait to get it, so if anyone can help that would be awesome!
Thanks MT, most of it is just dirt so a good clean (a bath of course) will sort a lot of it Oh and I’ve sourced replacement trim already so I just need a key!
Yeah hope it goes well, looks worse than it is, will look so much better after a bath, is there a lower deck key missing? I count 6 That was quick finding the trim
Oh yeh. Counted the keys in my Helix C100 and there are 6 as there is on this one...d’oh. So NOT missing a key lol
Easy mistake as they're so bent and no trim, but the large gap does make it look like one is missing, happy for you a replacement would've been hard to find.
Yeh yeh yeh...I wasn’t paying attention lol, it’s not like I don’t have another one that I spent hours refurbishing. Call it a senior moment
It really doesn't look too bad, just needs some refreshing. I'll take them anyway I can get them, sometimes crusty just shows the long life they've had. I've wondered about the metal plates, with some tools from Harbor Freight I could probably fabricate them myself, it's just the printing that takes a little more resources.
Yeh I’m pretty confident it’ll look 100% better once cleaned up. With some tips from forum members I sorted the decks on my first one so I’m confident I’ll get this one sorted too. These just weren’t available over here so there’s zero chance being lucky and picking up a cheap one locally so I’m stuck with eBay where they pretty much never come up at a reasonable cost so I jumped on this one. Can’t wait to get it