Hey all, So i have a DD33 here requiring repair, I have bought a new centre gear from Marian but he has a long wait list for it to be installed. I was wondering who here had used his kit to repair theirs and how difficult is it? Its a lovely unit i have from a good friend so i really don't want to ruin it. Does anybody feel confident to repair this for me if i supply the kit? I will pay of course!
I've had a read of the guide and it seems there is some very fine soldering required? Anyone? Anyone attempted a repair and found it ok? ANy pitfalls?
Yep some wires need de-soldering. I've replaced the gear on atleast 5 DD's and found it easy. First one took a while but that's because I had to figure out the order of parts removed but after that it's a breeze. Unless you are planning to do a thorough clean and oiling of parts like in the manual that Marian posted then it can take around and hour or more but I was able to do one in around 45 minutes. The biggest issue I had were the little plastic O-rings/clips. I lost a few of them Carefully remove those with some needle nose tweezers. I had some fly off and they are now lost forever. Luckily I had spares.
Tre, sadly what we've been lead to believe with these things is that obtaining the wheel is the hard bit. Oh no, not even slightly. Changing the darn thing is equally as tricky. Not impossible though. Sadly you will have to remove the wires to the head. This isn't so terifying as the terminals are very accessable for when you need to re-attach. Oh, and don't forget to take not of which wire goes where. Here's a half-decent video of the process.
Hey AO, thanks for the vid, I don't have a lot of experience with fixing walkmans and everything looks so fiddly so im going to search for a repair person i think. I got this, my first DD from Auto and i'm dying to use it but wouldn't forgive myself if i wrecked it.
Ok so i was stoked to have my first DD, i tried a repair and failed and made a right cock up of it. I feel so gutted now i knew i shouldn't of touched it.............
Sorry to hear you repair attempt didn't go well, I'm sure you can have another go and get it sorted. What exactly went wrong? There's plenty here who can help, myself included, don't give up. I have a spare DD33 if you need any parts?
Well it all went well enough. i followed the guide to the letter but it looks like the little white lever that lifts the heads had already broke as there was a little piece of it floating around inside, that didnt seem to make too much difference but the tiny gear on the reverse side of the centre gear bracket looks like it snapped off (or it hasn't but i cant figure how it goes on. Either way i realised i was way over my head with no experience of the centre gear repairs. The new gear did look great tho. I'm gutted as it was a gift from Auto, I should of sent it off to Sergi or something
Oh those head lifting assemblies are very delicate, I have spares if you need one, the small gear the one on the centre of the disc? This gear is not removable it is molded (pressed) into the disc, if you have just the gear it has snapped off .
Hey Dave, Yes thats the two pieces, the small cog you show was just loose in mine not attached to anything so i guess it had come off. If i could buy those two bits i would be grateful, I might send it to Sergi for reassemby