Hello all, thought I would introduce myself The names Ryan I’m 25 years old and am definitely a vintage HIFI enthusiast. I’ve been collecting stuff ever since I can remember and my collection is always growing. My introduction to vintage HiFi started in the 1990s with my grandfathers late 1970s Rotel Hifi stack, it was a lovely system. I managed to save the amplifier, but the cassette deck, turntable and FM tuner along with the speakers were thrown out when they moved, I was so gutted, this was my first exposure to good Hifi though lol. My favourite brands are definitely Technics and Bang & Oulfsen, I also like Sony for their portable Walkman units, Most current setup is shown in the linked photo gallery https://imgur.com/gallery/xXhe1
York ey? Just up the road from me. Welcome to the forum. Love your set up, like the vintage Mac too...still got mine in the loft
Thanks everyone, I might be asking for some assistance in the future. Hoping someone can possibly replace my cog in my Walkman DDII. I now see they sell a remanufactured cog on ebay to replace the original one that cracks. Although I’m “okay” at most electircal stuff (i do GPO phones) the parts on something like this are minuscule and a bit beyond me. Im thinking later on in the year buying the cog and seeing if someone who is competent can install it. As of now its working, but I am expecting it to break at somepoint, it has been repaired, but would feel comfortable having the whole thing replaced eventually.
Welcome Ryan I too was admiring the Imac. To me it doesn’t seem that long since they came out and saved Apple from bankruptcy. How times have changed. The new centre cog is produced by one of our members here. A step by step installation guide with photos is somewhere on the site. Your comment that you do GPO phones puzzles me. The GPO Name seems to have been taken by a company making Crosley type record players and a rather nice Boombox. Maybe you mean vintage GPO phones. I once sold one to Storm Model Agency who wanted one for a photoshoot.
Yes I mean the vintage General Post Office Phones, not the modern junk lol, the bakelite era mainly. I restore and convert them for modern BT plug and socket use. I have a lot of original 700 series phones and two original trimphones, but then along with that I have a 232 King Pyramid from 1935, a 1950s 332, a 1914 Candlestick, a German 1940s Siemens phone, a Belgian metal Antwerp model that I repainted and my rarest one is a 1950s 300 series in Ivory colour. My one is in great shape as most of these ivory coloured omes end up cracking and also go an awful brown toffee looking colour. I’ve added a few pictures. Also pictured is my 1953 Bush Tv24 which I restored and updated with a modern 1990s colour set imstalled. I still have the original chasis and the modification I did to that is easily reversed.
Thanks for the explanation and photos Ryan, In about 1987 I bought a boxed refurbished "BT Pheonix Phone" Push button trimphone. After using it for about ten years I sold it to a museum who was specifically advertising for one. That was probably back in the days when Micromart magazine was 80% sales and wants. In the earlier photo I noticed your Matmos Lava Lamp. I have a few of those. They are made in Poole not far from here. A couple of pictures in this thread http://www.stereo2go.com/forums/threads/how-retro-are-you.991/ A thread about old computers where you could talk about your New(ish) Mac http://www.stereo2go.com/forums/thr...v-not-your-conventional-cassette-player.1581/ Finally the DD Center gear thread http://stereo2go.com/forums/threads/sony-dd-cracked-center-gear-step-by-step-repair-guide.18/
Thanks for the links, ill definitely be checking them out. The oldest Mac I have is my Macintosh SE from 1987 complete with keyboard and mouse, its sitting on top of my Ikea bookshelf at the moment, as I’m using the old graphite DV iMac as its low resolution CRT display and MacOS 9 is perfect for looking at 0.3 megapixel photos shot using a 1997 Sony Digital Mavica floppy disk camera. PS love mathmos, I have an original Crestworth Astro made from copper on my main desk area from the 1960s.
Welcome and hello from Cheshire - I followed the repair guide and got one of my Sony DDs working really well. It took me a looooooong time! Was well worth it and in fact somewhat therapeutic