It's Sanyo Sunday!!..........Again!!

Discussion in 'Chat Area' started by nickeccles, Apr 29, 2018.

  1. nickeccles

    nickeccles Well-Known Member

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    Littlehampton West Sussex
    Today saw me rebelting this tiny little Sanyo M-S400L which I have had a while awaiting a proper service/repair!!

    Very dirty controls all round & a very worn out capstan belt.........

    These machines are tiny so no surprise that the tape deck is really compact & I am always wary of taking these out & apart [​IMG] & this was no exception!!

    In proper 'Old Skool' Sanyo style, the whole thing is pluggable so really easy in fact to extract the whole mechanism [​IMG]

    One wonders how can this thing play cassettes so well with no quavering or wobbling - The flywheel is so tiny & the belt has to be just right, something I learnt in the early years of cassette deck servicing!! A quick search in the 'Belt Bucket' produced the two tiny sqaure belts which were carefully replaced & the capstan shaft oiled as well as the roller & heads being cleaned until like new!

    Now before I started today, this really struggled to do anything including listening to the radio as the controls were so gunked up - The balance & tone controls simply didn't function & volume pot was so noisy it was a wreck!! [​IMG]

    After a really good switch clean it was time to put her back together & test everything......

    Et Viola!!

    Everything worked 1'st time, I had thoughts that other problems may arise after it had been so neglected in it's life, but no such worries - It sounds amazing on tape & radio, as I say, these things are really really tiny & with such a tiny flywheel you would not think they would produce a stable & powerful sound..........

    Happy Days

    Sanyo M-S400L Radio Cassette Recorder - 29 April 2018 (1).jpg Sanyo M-S400L Radio Cassette Recorder - 29 April 2018 (2).jpg Sanyo M-S400L Radio Cassette Recorder - 29 April 2018 (3).jpg Sanyo M-S400L Radio Cassette Recorder - 29 April 2018 (4).jpg Sanyo M-S400L Radio Cassette Recorder - 29 April 2018 (5).jpg Sanyo M-S400L Radio Cassette Recorder - 29 April 2018 (6).jpg Sanyo M-S400L Radio Cassette Recorder - 29 April 2018 (7).jpg

  2. Mister X

    Mister X Moderator Staff Member

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    How do you like those, they look like they're pretty nice players? I'd love to have one but they've eluded me so far but that red it a great color..
    nickeccles likes this.
  3. mrp32Dave

    mrp32Dave Well-Known Member

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    United Kingdom
    Another great resto :biggrin:, I like these 4 speaker Sanyo's, I have a few various models but not a red one, looks great.
    nickeccles likes this.

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