Does anyone have a service manual for the Panasonic RX-C45 please? Also, does anyone have experience taking a unit, switching it to 220v and running it on UK 240v please? (actually, the UK is now down to 230 +10-6%) This one is being sent to me from Galveston ... *sings* ... "Galveston, Oh, Galveston....."
It's a lot of hassle to convert a box from 120v to 230v unless you have a scrap UK model and the power section can be swapped, just get a step down transformer that's what I use, her's a photo of mine. If you get desperate for a service manual let me know, I can get a PDF for a couple of quid.
If it's a couple of quid, sling me the link and I'll buy it. I have seen some for sale, but they're around a tenner. The boombox has a voltage selector, and I fully expect it to flip to 220v for Canadian operation. There's French language on the rear. That should, I believe, be well within tolerance, but I like to double-tripple check these things before risking anything. However, it also has a DC input at the back, so if I can't get enough confidence that the 220v will work, then I'll probably get a DC transformer instead. (The exact DC voltage input, I can't tell yet. The ebay photos weren't large enough for me to read the label.)
Ok, here's the link for the service manual, it will cost you bit more I get a discount on this site.
Cheers. I've bought it. They wanted my postal address details though, which I was not going to give them. Not needed for a download. That's just information grabbing.
Anyone know the dimensions of the 3 ohm woofer drivers? Found a bargain on Craigslist in Hawaii but she needs new drivers. Thanks