A friend of mine is selling some hifi hardware as a lot and in this lot there are these two decks. Are they worth something, in terms of sound quality?
depends Pioneer F650 is a basic deck. If you already have a basic deck probably you do't need another one. This model is not a collectible one. The other one apparently is a 3 head deck and I do not have any idea about it. How much is he selling these decks?
all basic info (including resale prices) can be found at vintagecassette.com: TEAC Z-5000 Pioneer CT-F650 In terms of sound quality they are definitely worth something: for over a year I had even lower-end TEAC A-100 as a part of my system where TEAC-preamp interconnect cost more than TEAC, and it worked for me Here is my the old photo:
I am a Pioneer fan, but the Teac Z-5000 is a better deck than the CT-F650. I do have the CT-F650 - it's dependable and less complicated internally with less to go wrong than the Teac Z-5000. Nando.
He is waiting for an offer from me and I don't really know how to answer. There are also three amplifiers and two turntables in the lot. I guess I'll look up on ebay the smart way: looking for ended auctions to see the real cash people are ready to splash.
Oh, My! This is the worst deal, esp when coming from a friend!! eBay and HiFiShark are my reference places for the price check, but at hifishark you never know if item got sold or just expired/waiting to be relisted
The TEAC Z5000 was $1000.00 USD in 1983 and close to their top of the line Audio Magazine October 1983 http://www.americanradiohistory.com/Audio-Magazine.htm The Pioneer CT-650 was $295.00 USD in 1979 and one up from their bottom of the line, but still a cool flouroscan model. Audio Magazine October 1979
I went to collect the items. Not everything in the lot was at reach at the time I went (e.g. the TEAC, one pioneer amplifier and turntable) but one hour after I left the guy found the rest in another box so he'll send the rest to me eventually. Here it is what I got Everything seems to work, except of course the tape deck because of the darn belts. I'll try to change them myself, if I'll ever find the pdf of the service manual.
Browsing through the manuals I found a very interesting feature of the cd player. It has a peak level finder wich finds the higets peak of a song (or an album) and loops it automatically so you can regulate the input level on the tapedeck. Very convenient!