Just started my first Project. I want to add a bluethooth module to an old (and cheap) Vinix VPC 6714 Boombox and I already ran into a problem that I did not anticipate... Hopefully somebody here can help me out. After that I might want to try and repair my old Sony DD Walkman. I know about the common center gear problem but I never worked on something so small. Techmoan brought me here
Welcome,to Stereo2Go I had a similar project. I tried to add an aux input from the cassette head signal. While it did work it was a bad idea since every time i'd plug in my phone to the aux line it would just restart.
Welcome Bobbigie. Some ways are available to make an aux input and a bluetooth add, for example, using the radio sound out cables to the main amp of your boombox, the problem is find these cables on an impressed circuit, Very difficult but no imposible. I need make a bluetooth add for a good friend coming soon
welcome aboard bobiggie there is a member who adds Bluetooth to cassette boomboxes and sells them He has done a lot of them. I am sure he can help you https://www.etsy.com/shop/SongbirdAudio?ref=l2-shopheader-name I will try to find his ID that way you can contact him through S2G