An Aiwa Boombox Motor For A CS-600U

Discussion in 'Gear you want' started by Easthelp, Dec 19, 2016.

  1. Easthelp

    Easthelp Active Member

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    Florida, USA
    My Aiwa CS-600U needs repair. A properly working 12-volt Aiwa boombox motor is what I’m after. What I need is someone to be willing to “part out” his or her Aiwa portable stereo (perhaps a nine- or ten-“D”-cells model).

    In July 2012, skippy1969 asked to buy a 12-volt boombox motor – probably an Aiwa – for his Aiwa CA-70. Reno – AKA Radio Raheem – advised him to “[t]ry different motors.” That’s because of the difficulty in finding matching motors for such models. Radio Raheem later indicated that he actually had the Aiwa model that skippy1969 wanted a part from.

    But Reno was understandably loath to “actually trash a working unit” to get at a properly working tape-deck motor. He stated that it took him “about ten motors before the correct one was found” for his Crown CSC-970.

    Really? I have to somehow test that many cassette-deck motors before I “hit on” an acceptable gadget (not necessarily the “correct” one)?

    Motors that come from any number of boombox brands and models, I guess.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 5, 2017
  2. Easthelp

    Easthelp Active Member

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    Florida, USA
    Well, I did try to convince other members of boombox-fan websites -- namely Stereo2Go and BoomBoxery -- to continue to help me by selling me a properly working motor of an Aiwa CS-600 (the -U version or otherwise).

    Alternately, a non-CS-600 motor within the Aiwa brand might have been what is needed to fix my eBay-purchased Aiwa CS-600U. Its cassette deck remains dead and non-moving. Perhaps that’s because the cassette-head mechanism remains jammed somehow. It's less jammed now than it was when I got the stereo in late August 2016. But it's still jammed. It still won't properly seat an audiocassette in the tape-deck well, let alone play, rewind or fast-forward the item.

    Perhaps changing the motor would have been a waste of money and time. (Big shrug)

    And, in the original message posted in December 2016, I noted that Reno -- AKA Radio Raheem -- had stated in a July 2012 message exchange with skippy1969 that Aiwa motors in general -- or certain Aiwa models' motors -- are quite difficult to come by. Skippy1969, who was trying to find a 12-volt Aiwa boombox motor to fix his CA-70, would have to be quite persistent.

    Or he would have to try non-CA-70 Aiwa motors or roam outside that brand for a suitable engine. Or go through all those steps. Reno noted that, when he was trying to repair his Crown CSC-970, he tried "about ten motors before the correct one was found." (Nothing like perseverance in worthwhile matters, eh, what?)

    And me? Well, still having a lead balloon’s success at repairing, I suppose that I'm going to have to reassemble the cassette deck that I partially dismantled months ago. Then I'll have to try to reseal the Aiwa's casing (good luck!) and then resume wondering what to do with a clean-cut, relatively good-looking, dead-tape-deck boombox.

  3. Radio Raheem

    Radio Raheem Well-Known Member

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    Welcome back easthelp, i wonder where decentmanforyou is or otherwize known as james rc 550
  4. mraiwa1000

    mraiwa1000 New Member

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    I don't think he's owned 600 in awhile, let alone one with a working motor.. ultimately he might be easthelp's only hope.

    (Btw, I guess James hasn't signed up again on this new site?)
  5. Easthelp

    Easthelp Active Member

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    Florida, USA
    I appreciate the welcoming, Reno. And, Mr Aiwa, thanks for your same-day reply to my January 4, 2017 PM.

    The thing is, the first post that I clicked on was on the "Gallery" sub-forum of the "Boombox & Ghettoblaster" forum. Imagine what it was titled: "Fixing Up An Aiwa CS-600U"! The very same model and version of Aiwa that I have muttered over and shaken my head over for over four months. That topic was started by 2ChannelHero and was responded to by moderator T-Ster. The exchange occurred December 26, 2016, the day the topic began.

    How fortunate of 2ChannelHero to find a seller of vintage but (hopefully still) working Aiwa portable cassette-deck motors -- albeit non-CS-600 or even non-CS-series units. (I say "albeit non-CS-600," etc, because I wonder if Aiwa continued making the CS-600 well into 1985. I infer that production period from the 13 March 1985 date printed on the paper label pasted to the base of the cylindrical motor for the Aiwa portable.) And, lest I forget: my CS-600’s tape-heads mechanism remains stuck. Jammed. All wedged up the wrong way against other parts. No use installing a replacement motor if the tape spindles (tape hubs) can’t turn and get going when fired to do so by that 12-volt steel drum. (Shrug)

    So, while the Heroic-Channeler works hard to restore his CS-600U's tape deck -- after cleaning the mechanism and after replacing the "gone to goo" tape-deck belts, which is pretty much what I tried to do with my CS-600U months earlier -- I continue to wonder various things.

    Such as: what's it cost to ship my '600 over to 2ChannelHero in Eugene, Oregon, what's he going to charge me to install a new -- that is, a working -- cassette-deck motor that I'd probably ship to him from the seller cassetteconnection(1874) that he identified in his reply to T-Ster's query, why I would come across that day-after-Christmas message post on the day that I'm thinking about receiving another Aiwa here at home ...

    (Oh, I know why my timing's that way: so I learn my lesson but goood ...)
  6. matt

    matt Member

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    It could help a lot if you could post some pictures of the motor as some of us gathered parts in jars and drawers and now don’t have a clue where they once came from.
  7. A O

    A O Well-Known Member

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    The English Riviera
    Am I the only one who has no clue as to what this thread is about?
  8. matt

    matt Member

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    Well I tried to bring it back on track but who knows...
  9. Cassette2go

    Cassette2go Well-Known Member

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    Dallas Texas USA

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