Need help identifying these headphones for a fellow duder. Any promising uh, leads? Thanks, man. Regards, -Dude
Sorry, I couldn't find anything promising but it looks like he has a Sony WM-BF22, not an overly exciting model. I posted this Japanese Website in the "Another Cool Japanese Website" Thread, maybe you can track it down. Use Google Translate if the language bothers you.
Most probably is a Sony headphone since it looks very similar to MDR-3 (but it is not MDR-3) I have this walkman in brand new condition in its original box and I never paid attention to its headphone and am not sure if this walkman was sold with a headphone. I will check it today afternoon.
The headphone that comes with big Lebowski Walkman is MDR-005 The one that dude has in the movie is a different headphone
The loop (headband) attaches to the center of the center of the speakers on the dudes model, the MDR-004 is very close to the center but the MDR-005 looks like where Sony started moving the loop towards the back of the speaker.