Hey there I've been using a Pioneer CT-W83OR twin deck for about a year and actually really like it, It sounds good and the build quality is lovely, the transport function is where this deck really shines, so quick and easy to navigate through tracks. However, I've just ordered a TEAC V-390 CHX single deck and it looks lovely, not arrived yet but i'm hoping for it to be even better than my pioneer. I've heard great things about everything TEAC but never used one of their products. Is anyone familiar with either one of these decks? Thanks so much!
I love playing with my tape decks and they're a lot like wine, expensive when new and they all sound a little different. They will both most likely sound good if working correctly but you might like the sound of one of them a little better, I just got my first TEAC Compact Cassette Deck and don't have any experience with them. I have a few Pioneer Component Decks but they are usually sitting on the shelf, my Pioneer RTR does daily duty, more than my TEAC's RTRs.
Turns out the TEACs build quality left much to be desired, it's a low-end TEAC deck. I did a quick comparison on sound quality too and the Pioneer won by a mile, much more balanced sound signature with more detailed upper mids and highs. I've got a problem with it though, the rewind and FF seem to slip a bit, they work after a bit of pushing the RW and FF buttons down a few times. Does anyone know what's causing this? I was thining of oiling the mechanism or is it the belt slipping? Thanks
Had everything from a 70's Panasonic deck to a Marantz in gold, but finally settled on my Yamaha K-960... So much so, I bought a second one! It brought out passages recorded on Type-I tapes made on a lesser auto-reverse deck that I couldn't hear on any other.
I just looked up the K960. Wow! What a stylish deck, I would love to buy one of those - I bet the build quality is off the charts.
Well, Harvey... believe it or not, I now have one with the silver faceplate (my first) and one in black. I recently had the black one fully serviced... with belts, capacitors and fine-tuned internal adjustments. I just spent the evening going through my collection of unmarked tapes, and it really showed me what should be kept, and what should be disposed of. Here's a thought I had, concerning my pair of K-960s: Since the faceplates are so easy to remove, why not swap them between the two? Or just the controls... so I have a silver faceplate with black knobs, buttons and sliders? I think it'd look good... What do you guys think?
@nickelindimer glad to find another Yamaha fan: it was my fav deck, the only reason I switched recently to Nak is the rock-bottom prices! Switch the faceplates, why not? Personally, I won't bother: my audio-Guru (of Chicago ProMusica) once said that if you want something pretty, buy a painting! My stereo is as ugly as they come (Naim Audio, "olive series"), so I had to buy B&O Beosound for the bedroom to get The Boss off my back!
I'm pretty happy with it too, Jorge... but to be honest, I wouldn't mind having a Sony like Techmoan or Mr. Walkman has. The Yamaha has good sound, no-doubt. But of I were to make any more recordings, I'd want something that does as good as it got in the days of cassettes. Yes, my Ultrx has done some tricks with Type-I that still have me impressed... but better is better, and I'd like to go with the best. Who knows? I might even get a Nak... if I can decipher what and learn how to work all those controls.
Excellent idea I do the same with all my Korg Volca synthesizers.....they look sweet! Post some pics when you're done
I will... if I ever get it done. It's been a while since I pulled the faceplates off, so I'm a bit unsure how easily everything will transfer. And though black controls on silver would look great, how good would silver controls on black look? Yeah, they'd stand out... but how cheap would it look? I say this with recollection of a 200w Sanyo matched stack I once had at my bedside, which I combined with a Pioneer digital switching timer, and made for a helluva alarm clock!
Since coming on here I have got rid of both of my Philips double cassette decks, the D8734 and D8958 (with CD) because the cassette mechanisms have a built in fatal flaw that kicks in after a short time, the plastic gears melt or break and they just don't work any more. Luckily the person I sold them to is a repairer and has got them going again but I gave up on Philips cassette decks completely on selling these and have now got two Philips CD/USB/Radio ghetto blasters, AZ2538 and AZ2555 both of which have mega bass, digital displays and sound meters. I have put a Philips logo sticker on each as they didn't bear the logo. I only have one stand which I use for either machine.
These are the ones I sold: By the way, I still have eight machines by four makes; Sharp, Panasonic, Hitachi and Philips.