Unrealistic bloated prices on eBay?

Discussion in 'Chat Area' started by Waxer, Oct 18, 2018.

  1. Longman

    Longman Well-Known Member S2G Supporter

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    Bournemouth UK
    It is all down to supply and demand

    You can still get an as new Sony Walkman on Ebay for about £25.
    It won't play cassettes though, which probably means most people here wouldn't give it house room.

    Here is an NWZ- E443K I bought a couple of months ago. These were released in about 2010
    IMG_2253.JPG IMG_2258.JPG
    I got one of these models earlier and was impressed by the record from the radio feature, something they dropped on more recent models. However the first one was very worn both physically and battery wise. In contrast this one has never had the protective film removed from the display. I guess it must have been an unwanted gift or something.

    A few days ago Ryan mentioned a D-EJ360 discman that came with a bulk lot he bought. Looking at Ebay I was amazed at the difference in price between what people will pay for a sealed one £130


    and a used one (£11.50)


    The question is, did the person who paid £130 ever open the packets or are they keeping it sealed to retain its value ?
    I have to admit I still haven't got round to fully undoing my Network Walkman yet. Maybe at Christmas.
  2. nickelindimer

    nickelindimer Active Member

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    Funny... I just saw a video about Sony releasing a Hi-Res Walkman:
  3. Longman

    Longman Well-Known Member S2G Supporter

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    Bournemouth UK
    Thanks for the review

    I have been aware of that one and the A35 for a few months and was actually looking at it in Currys on Saturday.
    I,m not really interested in Hi-Res but very interested in the fact that you can stick a £60 256Gig Micro Sd card in it and load all my uncompressed audio files into it.
    I have mentioned before that I have a 64Gig Ipod touch that I have never loaded any music onto as I couldn't decide which songs to put in the limited memory.

    There again I might just expand my 32Gig Ipod mini up to 256Gig :hmmm

    Sony also do at least one Audiophile walkman.

    I doubt if I could hear the £1000 difference

    Last edited: Oct 29, 2018
  4. buzbox

    buzbox Active Member

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    Yes. Prices are ridiculous lately. But one thing I noticed was "automatic bidding" not proxy bidding. I was watching a black DD30. With about 20 hours to go until end of auction it still had no bids so I placed a bid of $10. A few seconds later I was out bidded. So I left it for around 30-40 minutes and then bidded again and got out bid once more. I kept bidding and kept being out bid by the same user. I removed all my bids and the next day the auction had changed to a $99 starting bid. Dodgiest seller ever.
    Sly. and Boodokhan like this.
  5. TooCooL4

    TooCooL4 Well-Known Member

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    A good way to big on eBay is, when you see something you like. Add it to your watch list, make up your mind the maximum amount you are willing to pay for it. Come back before the end and if it's still within your price, put your bid in with 15 - 10 seconds to go. If you get it correct you win, none of this constant bidding. When i bid on anything you will only see my name in there once.
    I will only bid early if it's something i don't care if i get or not and if that is the case i just put in the maximum i am willing to pay.

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