iv long since stopped buying boomboxes but this was £300 back in the day (i had one) they don't sound that good but this was built to last
I don't know much about later model Panasonics, I have zero boxes that aren't square except for a few of the roundish pastel QTs but I'll keep my eye out for these models. The price seems high and there was a lot of bidding so there is interest in them and I have been surprised before.
hey mr x keep up the good work fellow , im not sure why i bought this as boomboxes are dying quicker than i can turn them on lol....but for 30 pounds what the heck ehh
Thanks Radio Raheem, you never sugar-coat it when it comes to boxes so I value your opinion. I know what you mean when you talk about them dying, I kind of expect most of them to work just long enough that you get excited then they fizz out. When I had fewer, it was easier to rotate my daily duty radio to give them a workout once in awhile, now some just sit and that isn't good....
hey mr x you are bang on, i never suger coat it but many don't like this lol i guess i have been in this game to long lad..... someone was asking about a good mini system and i didn't have an anser, well i do now buddy the sony fh 909, across between a boombox and a hifi as it has a handle but dosent take batts as far as i know the 909 cost £1000 in 1988, i can't even do the date as i have been drinking lad the only boxes i have that keep on working are my m90's which is strange
I had to look that one up and your not kidding, a real gem. For some reason Sony doesn't get credibility for it's boomboxes but they have some real monsters going deep into the 80's and early 90's. The FH Series seems to popping up on everyone's radar lately, I say grab them while you can. No they don't have a battery component but they are built like a brick house. I think some of these did have an optional battery compartment but that has to be an ultra rare accessory. I should have a new thread that you might like in regards to Sony, I've got a couple nice rare compos I'll post one of these days. Someone with more experience needs to start a best of the 90's thread, I have no first hand knowledge about these boxes and would love to learn more. Panasonic seems to be the leading contender so far.
What a bargain. As I have posted here before I thought mine was a bargain for about £240 when I bought it new. I didn't even go shopping to buy it. I saw it in Beales department store sale, decided I wanted it, signed up for their interest free credit and took it home with me where it was my bedroom stereo. I wouldn't quite have been able to recreate your Avatar with an all black stereo, and at the time a Brunette girlfriend, but I'm sure the expenditure was less p.s Picture is actually a screen grab from a 1999 Camcorder tape, the only picture I have of the Panasonic in that house.
im lucky i have 2 909 and a matching cd player but then i never use cd i slso have another sony gem, the sony cfs F40 longman is that you're old place with the panasonic radio in it, i like the deccor it looks great dude you know whats funny Nick lad, i have never seen a mickey mouse cartoon lol
Congrats, Mr. Rah-Rah, a very nice Stereo! Love the look of this model. What about surrounds? Heard they are prone to rotting in this Panny.
im not sure about surrouds Alex lad, iv had a couple of these in the past and they were fine, i gave my last one to an ex but that was about 7 years ago dude
Yes. I took the video because I was moving out. I have to admit it was me who decorated it like that in about 1990 though.