Greetings.... I'm seeking advice on magnetometer measurements for cassette deck diagnostics. I have an Annis Han-D-Mag unit, and now I'm curious about the Annis Magnetometer measuring unit. Anyone have experience with magnetometers? Particularly, I'm looking for best gauss range for the meter when used with measuring cassette deck heads. Here's the web link to a listing of gauss range. Gauss Range Model 25/0.5-0-0.5 Model 25/1-0-1 Model 25/ 2-0-2 Model 25/ 5-0-5 Model 25/10-0-10 Model 25/20-0-20 Model 25/50-0-50 Model 25/100-0-100 I'm favoring the Model 25 / 5-0-5 or 10-0-10 model. Opinions are welcome. Merci Bleusy
Those are neat and I've never used one so I had to do a little education on them. There's nothing in the "Modern Recording Techniques" (Forth Edition) book but there is some other Annis Information: Magnetometer Models Offered for Tape Recorder Use Our experience has shown that the 5-0-5 gauss Pocket Magnetometer is the optimum range for Audiophile use, though a number of other ranges are available. With all the units I have it would be interesting to take measurements before maintenance.
Exactly what I intend to be doing, checking all my decks before demagging, then appropriate maintenance chores. Next week, I'll order up a 5-0-5 magnetometer directly from the RBAnnis.Com folks in Indiana. Merci Bleusy