Its been a few years, but still worth mentioning, 'cos this bluesy album really rocks out. Offered on quality recorded cassette too: Also, check out this interesting article about Richards and his little portable cassette player/recorder that he's used for composing tunes over the past decades..... That's Outta Sight !!! Cheers, Bleus de Nakker ***************
Wow! The article doesn’t mention the model but a quick google suggests Philips EL3302. I can just about imagine Keith completely smashed out of his mind, pressing record and finding Satisfaction when playing back next morning
A bit more background covering Keefer and his gritty little mid 1960s cassette recorder/player..... Cheers, Bleusy
I have a feeling that due to the age and the few people that knew it was similar to Keith Richard's setup they've all been snapped up and hidden away, very similar to the unit that went to the moon. It looks like a beautiful unit and that's a great photograph, I can only think how cool it was to have something so small, and not as annoying as open reels, to use for work. My older brother loved the Stones and so did I since I heard them so much. Here's a photo of Keith and Ron Wood visiting our local factory circa 1975. I don't think they were playing in town but they were between huge albums and wanted to check out the equipment.
I was just watching a Robert Smith Interview and he talked about how bad his UK Hometown was. I was just a runt but we had everything in Kalamazoo, Checker Cabs, Gibson, Pro Co (Guitar Cords and "The Rat" Peddle), Dean Markley Strings. Having the Stones come through was a bonus, we were between Chicago and Detroit so a lot of bands would have their first concert in our 6000 seat ice arena to test everything.
Well at least his cassette got to market. Yet more delays on Paul McCartney's Egypt Station Cassette. Now not shipping until December. Paid for 10 weeks ago but starting to wonder if it's not going to be in my hands until 2019!
I checked with Newbury Comics yesterday and they still have a few of the Keith Richards cassette tape. Seems that Richards cut a deal with Newbury back in 2015, and the cassettes were an exclusive at that time in 2015. Currently at $3.99 each plus shipping is an appealing pricing, I'm ordering a couple extras to stack on my shelves, maybe give-aways for holiday gifts. Cheers, Bleusy
I bought six of these tapes when they first became available through Newbury Comics. I kept two, gifted three, and sent another to a friend in the U.K,, who bought it from me because there were no international orders being processed through Newbury Comics. A good-sounding tape, and I dubbed one song from the pre-recorded tape to a mix tape project. Nando.
Hi Nando. I looked on the Newbury site and although the cassette is still in stock at $3.99 they only ship to US or Canadian addresses. I was going to grab one as it's a limited edition release of 1000 units. That's incredibly small for a production run but alas I can't order one here in AUS. Cheers B
Maybe I'll order a few of them, it will give me an excuse to get to that side of the world. If I had known, my mule from Tokyo is coming in a few days, I could have handed off a tape to send to you, it's probably cheaper from there.
Probably cheaper to send from US via airmail. So much mail goes on the Qantas flights out of LAX these days since the flights are direct into MEL and SYD. Also have a contact in NY for this week but then it might not get to his hotel before his flight back on Saturday. Cheers bd
Great story BTW about Ronnie and Keith doing the tour of the Gibson factory. I have a Chet Atkins Classic Electric made in the Kalamazoo factory in the mid nineties. It's a great instrument and probably one of the last beautiful guitars made by Gibson. My five minutes of fame was last year when I got to chat with Carlos Santana about his "signature" sound made on a 1962 sunburst Gibson Les Paul Custom heard on Samba Pa Ti. He includes it in the set list for all of his concerts still. I have that on tape too but on a TDK MAXG which it deserves Regards bd
Now that I have a total of four copies of the cassette, I opened one of 'em up. Details within on j-card are revealing.... Album came out under the Republic label, located in NYC, NY USA. Fold-out with full lyrics, abundant credits and thanks. I'm assuming that a CrO2 formula of tape was used, cassette physically looks well-made, its a five screw-in plastic shell. Really nice artwork on labels. Appears noise reduction methodology was not utilized for the cassette version recording of the album. I gotta say that during 2015, Keith Richards was looking rather strung-out health wise, yet his musicianship on this album is clearly outta sight (my opinion, of course). Wondering if the old geezer is still alive and kicking ??? Cheers, Bleusy
Rumour has it he is still alive and kicking but since his accident involving a coconut palm on the Pirates of the Caribbean set he's been a bit quieter!. Sounds like the cassette is a good quality production. I can't buy it as I'm outside the USA but if you were willing to sell me one of yours I'd be happy to send you the cash via PayPal. Cheers Brian
I'm sure my copies are ferric tapes. If the tape is brown in colour, it will be Type I and it's notched as a Type I. Don't want anyone manually setting their decks for the Type II, if their deck doesn't have an auto tape type sensor. Nando.
Cassette shell is jet black color, single notch record-protects are opened up.... Smaller sized than my Maxell UDXLII's notches. . I was assuming Type II, was standard for commercially recorded cassettes, but likely its a Type I Ferric formula. Thanks Nando. Anyone else have an opinion, let us know. Bleusy