What is the difference between all the AIWA Compo Boxes?

Discussion in 'Chat Area' started by Mister X, Jan 25, 2018.

  1. Mister X

    Mister X Moderator Staff Member

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    I'd love the handles A O, if someone closer doesn't chime in PM me, I don't know if they only work on the 22 series or if they work on some of the other but I do have the 22 series. Your system is beautiful and a huge contrast to the 80's plastic fantastic stereos that followed.

    My Japanese Friend stopped by the other day with a yahoo.jp auction shipment. If you have any experience with the auction service, they tend to screw things up a lot or bidders seem to disappear when the auction ends but in this case I had won a nice little AIWA 22 Stack with an oddball tuner. After patiently waiting for a few months to get my hand delivered box I was dismayed to find an AKAI Mini System Stack. This one includes the AKAI UC-U2 Amplifier, AKAI UC-K2 Tuner and the AKAI UC-F3 Cassette Deck, when I clean it up and check it out I'll post some photos. I can only find photos of the amp on the internet, it's nice but it seems like the 5 series is the high point for AKAI.
    nickeccles likes this.
  2. nickeccles

    nickeccles Well-Known Member

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    Littlehampton West Sussex
    Yes Please! I need only one pair!
  3. A O

    A O Well-Known Member

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    I'll dig the handles out shoortly to confirm how many there are. Nick, I'm in the UK this weekend, might post them from there.
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  4. nickeccles

    nickeccles Well-Known Member

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    Littlehampton West Sussex
    That would be amazing buddy
  5. Mister X

    Mister X Moderator Staff Member

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    I was supposed to be posting some new additions to my AIWA Compo Stack. After being hand carried around the world, my new package showed up and I was hoping to complete some of my missing pieces. Something else showed up to my surprise, the seller must have accidentally shipped this system instead of the little AIWAs. It looks like I'm the proud owner of an AKAI UC Microsystem consisting of AKAI UC-U2 Integrated Amplifier, AKAI UC-K2 Tuner and AKAI UC-M2 Cassette Deck. There is very little information on the internet about this system, maybe 1980 build date? The 2 series seems to be followed by later models designated by "3" and then "5".

    The unit is pretty dirty and I did a little cleaning, one of the cassette keys is bent but it looks like I can bend it back. I plugged in some Radio Shack Realistic Minimus 3.5's to test it and it sounds really good. It definitely needs Deoxit but with a little movement everything works. I can't get all of the lights to come on without movement of the buttons, so it's not all lit up in the photo. This has the small Japanese FM Band so I only get in a few stations and the deck will need belts but it's another glimpse into the micro-system wars.

    nickeccles and lupogtiboy like this.
  6. Longman

    Longman Well-Known Member S2G Supporter

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    Bournemouth UK
    With 40 LEDs on the front I would like to see that running.
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  7. Mister X

    Mister X Moderator Staff Member

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    I'll see what I can do, I have to clean and DeOxit first and bend back the piano key but I can tell you the tuner/amp look great when running. Too bad it didn't have an EQ to really make it sparkle.
    nickeccles likes this.
  8. lupogtiboy

    lupogtiboy Well-Known Member

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    I love Akai's from the 80's, my granddad had one where the record player slid out from a glass window at the bottom of the unit, I'm trying to find one as I don't know what happened to my granddad's one. Akai FD-3

    akai fd-3.jpg akai fd-31.jpg
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  9. Mister X

    Mister X Moderator Staff Member

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    That's a beautiful looking unit lupogtiboy, I really like the early 80's digital units although a lot of them were last gasps from the audio companies and some are junk. We need to start a mini system mega thread, there seems to be a lot of interest and they're a very close cousin to boomboxes so they should fit in. Most of the other audio sites don't really consider them discussion-worthy.
    lupogtiboy likes this.
  10. lupogtiboy

    lupogtiboy Well-Known Member

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    I agree that should definitely become a thread on here. I'm a big fan of the Sony MHC units too, I have a couple of them in storage. But there's just something I like about these Akai's, the text they used on the labels, the futuristic displays and designs, plus it sounded pretty good from what I remember too. I did have the speakers for many years but I swapped them for something (can't remember what though!) many years ago. Was also good fun playing with the record player drawer too! This one also has a hidden remote control that has basic functions on it where the radio preset buttons are.
  11. Mister X

    Mister X Moderator Staff Member

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    We didn't have many of these cool mini-systems, it seemed like Fisher (Sanyo) had cornered the market with their all-in-one component stacks of unbelievable plastic fantastic junk.
  12. Easthelp

    Easthelp Active Member

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    Florida, USA
    Yeah, you counted the known (or reasonably surmised) LED positions on the facade of that three-piece Akai electronics stack, eh, Longman?
    nickeccles likes this.
  13. nickeccles

    nickeccles Well-Known Member

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    Littlehampton West Sussex
    In Progress - 29 November 2018 (1).jpg Monitor Audio BM-100 Mini HiFi Speakers - November 2018 (3).jpg Monitor Audio BM-100 Mini HiFi Speakers - November 2018 (5).jpg Monitor Audio BM-100 Mini HiFi Speakers - November 2018 (4).jpg I had a great result last week!

    I was pondering getting a pair of 80's Realistic Minimus 7 speakers for my Aiwa System 30!

    Trouble is, in the UK they seem to have become scarce & I was unable to find a decent condition black or silver pair the only ones I wanted :( :( :(

    So having a seriously messed up brain due to the stroke, I am left unable to sleep until the early hours (Around 4am) I was scouring all the mini bookshelf speakers on the internet & found a pair of Monitor Audio BM-100 Baby Monitors! Now I didn't even know that these things existed......They are best described as a Minimus 7 with a rocket stuck underneath them :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: Yep they are fooking gorgeous - a solid aluminium casing housing a 4 inch acoustic suspension woofer with biggest magnet I have ever seen on such a small speaker! This is paired with a 1 inch soft dome tweeter which also has a huuuuge magnet :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: & all this before I even connected them to the Aiwa A30 amp to listen to them :wink:

    I wish I had taken an image of the woofer when I removed it just to be curious, but I forgot to & now they are all cleaned up & ready to use, I cannot be arsed to remove the driver again :biggrin:

    So, some decent 42 strand cables cut to the same length & the ends stripped & tinned ready for use & time to test out these gorgeous mini speakers.....

    Wow! Holy Shit! They are incredible with extraordinary dynamic range & stereo soundstage with a sound that back in the 80's when I assume they were made is simply astonishing :reelspin: :reelspin:

    There will be a detailed write up on the entire restore of the Aiwa mini Hi-Fi with loads of images & video too, but for now here's a sneak preview of these astounding little gems :biggrin:

    Sorry Minimus 7's - You lost out to these baby's big time!!

    Oh..........& I paid £35 for these speakers :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

    Monitor Audio BM-100 Mini HiFi Speakers - November 2018 (3).jpg Monitor Audio BM-100 Mini HiFi Speakers - November 2018 (5).jpg Monitor Audio BM-100 Mini HiFi Speakers - November 2018 (4).jpg
  14. lupogtiboy

    lupogtiboy Well-Known Member

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    20151229_191104.jpg 20151229_191121.jpg 20151229_191129.jpg 20151229_191135.jpg 20151229_192659.jpg I have a pair of Goodmans speakers that are very similar to those, sound absolutely amazing for the £10 I paid for them on eBay, came with the box too!
    Last edited: Dec 7, 2018
    Mister X and nickeccles like this.
  15. Mister X

    Mister X Moderator Staff Member

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    So I've been wondering about the British Version of the AIWA 22's. I found an article on the great American Radio History Website that explains it. This is dated February 1980, I feel like most of these systems were getting phased out at this time but maybe our UK Members were buying more of them than the rest of the world.

    As a side note, I used to live near the Heath Factory, when Zenith bought them and it seemed like the beginning of the end. As a youngster we used to love to look at all the cool stuff you could build for a fraction of the cost of a store-bought item. I only have two Heath Kits now, the Signal Generator and the super cool A9B tube amp, both built like tanks (by somebody else).


    aiwa 4.png
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  16. Mister X

    Mister X Moderator Staff Member

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    The AIWA M-501 Micro System

    aiwa 5.png
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  17. Mister X

    Mister X Moderator Staff Member

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    AIWA Mini Component Micro System

    aiwa 6.png
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  18. Mister X

    Mister X Moderator Staff Member

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    Reli pointed out that I was missing the preamp/amp combination with my Compos so the search was on for those missing pieces. Pricing for these units is getting into silly money territory so I looked overseas for a full system hopefully with the cassette deck or other component. I found the perfect unit in really good condition and made the purchase, unfortunately the AKAI unit above showed up. The AKAI is really nice and a great, kind of rare, micro system but not the AIWA I wanted.

    I let my guy know that they had shipped the wrong units and the seller was beyond remorseful. The Japanese do not like to make mistakes and he promptly sent out the correct system, did not want the AKAI returned and took care of shipping (to Japan). It's weird and refreshing to see this, if he's reading this, thank you for the awesome service.

    After a long journey I finally powered it up and like all the other posters, I love it. All metal cases and faces, buttons, toggles and rotary dials that have a nice click and resistance. The side-mounted cast cooling fins on the amp are a nice touch, giving it a little respect when most USA Buyers probably looked past it for bigger equipment. AIWA was never afraid to have really small square buttons, it's one of the reasons I love their portable tape players, nickeccles knows what I'm talking about, his taste in boomboxes all feature nice silver buttons.

    Here's the system, AIWA S-C22 Preamp, AIWA S-P22 Amplifier, and the more rare R35 Tuner with Japanese FM Band. The tuner is cool because I don't have one like this and it has some neat LEDs when the unit's powered up.

  19. Longman

    Longman Well-Known Member S2G Supporter

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    Bournemouth UK
    I have had an FD-3L from new although it has been in the loft for some time.
    I first saw one in 1983 in Dixons when it was £400.

    Back then it seemed incredibly futuristic with not a knob in view, although there are rotary tone controls and the Dolby switch etc under a flap below the display window. Something that might not be obvious is that the controls on the right are actually an infra-red remote held magnetically to the unit. Press the "eject" button next to it and it moves forward so you can detach it and use it from you sofa. Far cleverer than the usual TV type remote with nowhere to keep it.

    This video which I just found shows all this


    Back to how I got mine, about a year later I noticed in a HiFi magazine that Richer Sounds were advertising them for £200. Back then they only had two shops, London and Birmingham, and most of the items they sold were customer returns, so after checking they had stock I drove the 100 miles to Birmingham.
    When I got there the sales assistant said that although they did have some they were supposed to be faulty. He said that he wouldn't be able to offer a guarantee but I could have one sold as seen for £150. We tried a couple and put together a working system which all seemed OK. I suspect people don't realise there is a reset switch on the back which it is a good idea to press after applying power.
    It never gave any problems for about 15 years but now needs the cassette deck sorting after another 20 years in storage.

    I believe there is also a more upmarket one which had a turntable you could operate from the remote.
    Something that really dates it is the the Aux input is labelled AUX/DAD. They knew Digital Audio Discs were coming but didn't know they would be called CDs.
    Mister X likes this.
  20. Mister X

    Mister X Moderator Staff Member

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    I just found this French Stereo Forum with a thread on the AIWA 22 Micro System. This post was cool, an unknown timer, the AIWA MT-22, these tend to be on the rare side and I like to have all of the oddball attachments, I'll have to track down one of these now.

    Alex_cruz and nickeccles like this.

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