I'd like to initiate a discussion regarding the most excellent demonstration cassette release, 'The Sound of Nakamichi'. Released in 1983, this initial release was a compilation of tunes from the Cassette Reference Series. More info coming with future postings. Anyone who possesses the 'Sound of Nakamichi' Cassette knows how good this compilation is when played on a high-end cassette deck. Here's hoping some of you will share your thoughts and experiences. Cheers, Bleus de Nakker ****************
Reminds me of the 8-tracks Oldsmobile used to include with the purchase of a model equipped with their high-end stereo... something my dad didn't do when he bought the "gutless".
I've got a few of those automobile tapes sitting around nickelindimer. I don't have any of those tapes Bleus de Nakker and we've talked about how rare Nakamichi Tapes are in general but I was looking at the "Made in Japan" on the cassette case. The only other place I've seen that is the set of TEAC Test Tapes I've recently picked up, I wonder if there's any TEAC Nakamichi connection with the cases or even the tapes.
The Nakamichi Reference Cassette Series was recorded real-time speed on TDK MA Metal tape formula cassettes, including cassette shell products. Seems that Nakamichi had a kind of connection with TDK, as all Nak decks were tuned to play best with TDK formula cassette tape (Ferric, Chrome, Metal). Indeed, Nak Reference Cassettes are considered treasures now, commanding big bucks when available. The 'Sound of Nakamichi' cassette holds highest regard, as those were demonstration tapes distributed with the best Nak decks of that era. Finding one of those demo cassettes now is really a treat to behold..... If you can afford the going prices. Its a prized possession, for sure. Happy Holidays to all on the forum !!! Bleus de Nakker MadCity, WI USA *****************
Only likely scenerio is that there was a parent company that made a variety of cassette cases, some were stamped TDK, also Denon, Maxell, Sony and Teac. Another could be the "Made in Japan" version. Nice extra touch, eh? Happy New Year !!! Bleus de Nakker