What a nice Santa Claus. I was not so lucky I got 100 mL Post-Poo Drops A botanical bathroom deodoriser that effectively neutralises disagreeable smells with crisp notes of citrus peel and discreet florals.
Santa didn't bring them but I treated myself to some Skull Candy Crusher Wireless headphones whilst they were on offer in HMV, they sound AMAZING and can also be plugged into a Walkman if needed with a standard 3.5mm headphone plug! Winner!
Was that GE originally color ? Most TV radio cassettes were black and white, even the larger screen ones. I have seen small CRT color TVs but they tend to be very deep.
Yes its all original everything from the CRT to the microcassette player. Also now that you mention, it is a bit odd that it hads a color CRT. Especially for the year it was produced I mean 1982 wasn't a special for portable color tv's right? Well I guess the excuse for this could be that this was an expensive/advanced product for the time. But besides that I don't really know.
@walkman archive , I am trying to search for that catalog but its in Japanese and don't know how to search it, tried yahoo Japan but its hard to find by going through the whole list. I have something like this but its about all Sony product through its history
A chance at another one of these, at the same I paid new at a Wal-Mart Black Friday sale in 2017... while visiting my brotherin Cedar Rapids, IA! https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https://www.ebay.com/ulk/itm/173381784180 This is good... as my parents will soon be moving to a small condo, and they're talking of minimizing their luxuries.
Boodokhan, there's a seller on ebay US that sells a bunch of those types of books. His ebay store has a ton of titles but they do ship from Japan, I don't know if he has that exact book.
santa brought me bugger all as usual so i bought myself 2 21" tablets https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/HP-Slate...e=STRK:MEBIDX:IT&_trksid=p2060353.m1438.l2649
yours might be newer than mine sir as mine is quite old but it is quad core you can actually get 50" tablets now