Would you guys buy the Lasonic i-931 Boombox?

Discussion in 'Chat Area' started by HRLE92, Jan 16, 2019.

  1. HRLE92

    HRLE92 New Member

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    America, GA
    If Lasonic i-931, the ipod boombox is still in production, would you guys spend around 150$ to buy it or spend the same amount of money to get an old school boombox instead? Why?
  2. Transistorized

    Transistorized Active Member

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    I will start off by saying that I would prefer a vintage model. That is my preference. But I also purchased the i931. Let me explain below.

    This would come down to your style. Are you more interested in sheer size and volume for the price or better quality with warmer sound? $150 would be a good deal on a Lasonic.

    I have a Lasonic i931x in my collection. I will say one thing for the Lasonic. You would be hard pressed to get the size and sheer volume it cranks out for a comparably priced vintage radio. If your style is to show off and you aren't that concerned over build and sound quality get the Lasonic. The thing I like about the Lasonic is I could crank it 100% all day long and not feel like I had to worry about an aging speaker that might crack under the stress.

    That being said, it kinda ends there with looks and sheer volume. Out of all of my boxes, this one just sits. The decals peel when warmed by the summer sun, the plastic creeks, rattles and buzzes when being used and the overall quality that once was, is just not there. A Panasonic with Ambience or JVC box from the 80's in the 150 price range would blow it away when sound quality is preferred over absolute max volume db. And I dare say if you don't mind pushing a 30 and 40 year old speaker, could probably go as loud if not louder. Depends on the model. The older stereos tend to have better tuners as well and keeping with tradition, I enjoy a true analog tuner versus the fake graphic on my i931x.

    While I use my vintage radios way more, the down side is I have to deal with the occasional repair that I wouldn't need to with the newer Lasonic and I have to worry about something happening to them if I take them out. But that is part of the hobby :)

    So there are pluses and minuses.

    Not sure if this helps. I guess what I am trying to say is just because I don't use my Lasonic doesn't mean it doesn't have its perks. If your personality is to get the largest, loudest, flashiest box that won't break the bank, its going to be at the top of your list.

    If you prefer overall quality of components, sound and a good radio tuner, you will want a vintage model.
  3. Radio Raheem

    Radio Raheem Well-Known Member

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    never had any lasonic, just not my thing
    Last edited: Jan 17, 2019
  4. Mister X

    Mister X Moderator Staff Member

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    $150 is in my range to find just about anything under grail status so I'd have to have a reason for the Lasonic. It's great that they are making them but I was never attracted to them in the beginning and my only exposure was staring through camera and electronic shop windows seeing a dusty huge box for sale with all kinds of colors and buttons that didn't seem to do much.

    If I was in the market for something to show off and use, the GPO Brooklyn has been getting very good reviews and Ion is upping their game with the Street Rocker shown at CES 2019 that is coming out soon.

    Right now I have an Ion Job Rocker, bluetooth, AM/FM mono rechargeable box. I know a few members have cheaper Ion Bluetooth Products but some of their portable boxes are really nice. I take mine to the local ice rink and you can hear it in the whole rink and it's very clear. The small rechargeable car battery inside of it will last up to 12 hours. They've been at CES the past few years with new products and really take the portables seriously. The newer units are nice looking, some are waterproof, and they have their own style, almost like an old-school car radio mounted on a speaker.

    I've seen the Lasonic locally for sale used for under $75 and I haven't jumped on one, if it was at a garage sale for around $25 I might think about unless I hear more about the quality.
  5. Boodokhan

    Boodokhan Well-Known Member

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    a big NO :biggrin:
    rybajda likes this.
  6. Reli

    Reli Well-Known Member S2G Supporter

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    The i931 is OK, but I don't like how it's shaped. It looks like someone took a box and put a straw into it and tried to inflate it like a balloon.

    If you want better sound for less money, look for an Ion Spectraboom, I got mine for only $120 a year ago.
  7. rybajda

    rybajda New Member

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    Czech Republic
    I can not recommend. Low life, poor execution.
  8. Mister X

    Mister X Moderator Staff Member

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    Reli, I checked out the Ion Spectraboom Entry on wikiboombox, the Job Rocker also has reception issues with FM but it has an 8" whip antenna. It also has AM and it's 12 lbs heavier, I'm guessing that it's mostly in the battery. I'm surprised the Lasonic i931 isn't loved more, it was pretty ambitious of them to update the model and re-release it.
  9. Reli

    Reli Well-Known Member S2G Supporter

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    Yeah, most of these modern speakers just use a wire taped down somewhere inside the box. Usually it's not even connected to any metal parts that might be able to improve reception.
  10. Northerner

    Northerner Well-Known Member

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    I would (and have) pick one up if it was super cheap as it’s a fun bit of kit. But they’re very cheaply made and prone to faults that generally aren’t fixable. Think I’ve had three and I’ve had to scrap two of them but the woofers are well worth saving

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