Hello friends!

Discussion in 'Introducing myself' started by G. Galante, Feb 15, 2019.

  1. G. Galante

    G. Galante New Member

    Trophy Points:
    New York, New York
    My name is Gesua thank you for this website. I'm not a hobbyist and this is my first day here.

    I have been searching for information about this.

    I have a Sony 10th Anniversary Tiffany Special Edition silver plated walkman model WM-701T.

    I have #182 out of the 250. I am thinking about selling it. It is in very good condition. It belonged to my husband and I don't think he ever used it and it has been in stored away.

    Would anyone know who I can turn to?

    Thank you!


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  2. Philip Taylor

    Philip Taylor Active Member

    Trophy Points:
    Birkenhead Merseyside
    Hi Gesua

    This model is a very desirable one and worth in my opinion a considerable amount of money .It is somethingwhich I know many members would want to have in their collection especially in such good condition . It is possible that it may no longer be working but probably this would not be a problem as it probablywould just require the belt replacing . Have you tested it to see if the belt is working ?

    If you wanted, it could be sold on E-bay at a fixed price or with or without a reserve . Alternatively, you could sell it through this site in the same way if you wanted it to go to a collector who would be more likely to cherish it and care for it properly Finally , another option would be to sell it through one of the big auction houses but I am unsure which one would have the expertise to value it .

    I have a Tenth Edition boxed set which was limited to a run of 2000 . I recall I paid at auction on eBay more than £500 a few years ago but I would have to check my records

    Vintage Special Commemorative Edition Silver Plated Sony Walkman Model WM-701S

    TIFFANY & CO. 10th Anniversary Silver Plated SONY Walkman WM ...https://picclick.com/Tiffany-Co-10th-Anniversary-Silver-Plated-SONY-22303639630...

    Here is another link for the sale of the TIFFANY unit you have but it has not sold but you will not the asking price is $12500.

    It would also bo worth looking at The Walkman Archive which is a site that one of our members lovingly created which has more information on the whole range of Walkman with photographs too which are beautifully taken. When he sees this I am sure he will be in contact .

    There are , in my opinion, better Walkman sonically but none so rare as this one. They were given to celebrities and I know that John Entwistle of The Who owns one

    I would love to buy this one but at what price I wonder. I hope this is of some help but I m sure you will hear much more from other more knowledgeable members on this site than
    myself Philip Taylor

    Ps excuse the change in text. It came from copying and pasting the links

    Last edited: Feb 15, 2019
  3. Philip Taylor

    Philip Taylor Active Member

    Trophy Points:
    Birkenhead Merseyside
    Sorry , It is I again . Do you have any papers when your Husband bought the unit and or how was he able to but it?
  4. G. Galante

    G. Galante New Member

    Trophy Points:
    New York, New York
    Hi Philip Taylor,
    Thank you for all your information. I did see that link from an Ebay post. I would prefer to sell it to a collector direct and not go through ebay. I know it's worth more than the 701s model. The belt is being replaced as we speak! I don't have papers on it as it was awarded to my husband for work on a Sony artist.!
  5. Boodokhan

    Boodokhan Well-Known Member

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    The answer is very easy
    Place it on Ebay and somebody will buy it.
  6. G. Galante

    G. Galante New Member

    Trophy Points:
    New York, New York
    Thank you Boodokhan! I'm going to try direct to a collector!
  7. TooCooL4

    TooCooL4 Well-Known Member

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    To be honest you need to put it out there and see what people are willing to pay for it. If you did offer it on here, I can only see one person paying the high price you may be willing to sell it for.

    Good luck with the sale.
  8. Mister X

    Mister X Moderator Staff Member

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    G. Galante, welcome to the site and thanks for showing us this special unit. Going direct might be difficult with a new member if the transaction is sight unseen, in the early days of Ebay, without PayPal, they had a lot of sales that went bad and the money disappeared, so members might be cautious.

    We have two places you can list the unit, in Boodokhan's Thread http://stereo2go.com/forums/threads/best-deals-walkmans.483/page-9 This thread gets a lot of eyes on it, or down in the classified section.

    I'm interested in the work your husband did for a Sony Artist, do you have drawings or information that you could post in regards to Sony? We love the history of the company that's the bones of this forum, and anything even the non-audio stuff, is fascinating. If your husband did any audio related work, we'd love to see some of that also, a lot of this information is being forgotten or lost.
  9. G. Galante

    G. Galante New Member

    Trophy Points:
    New York, New York
    Hi TooCool4,
    Thank you I just recently started asking around about it. Are you speaking of the one of the parties that has replied to me already?
    This site has been so kind, helpful and enthusiastic so I'm happy Im here!
    Thanks again!
  10. G. Galante

    G. Galante New Member

    Trophy Points:
    New York, New York
    I'm interested in the work your husband did for a Sony Artist, do you have drawings or information that you could post in regards to Sony? We love the history of the company that's the bones of this forum, and anything even the non-audio stuff, is fascinating. If your husband did any audio related work, we'd love to see some of that also, a lot of this information is being forgotten or lost.[/QUOTE]

    Hi Mister X,
    Thank you I'm going to check out your suggestion with Boodakhans Thread!... I am so touched that you are asking about my husband. He has since passed away. I'm very protective of him and wouldn't want to post on a forum. I'd like his privacy respected. He was an audio engineer both in studio for the artist and on tours. He also worked with another large group but not on the Sony label.
    Now I'm getting all emotional!
    Thank you again for asking!
    Mister X likes this.
  11. TooCooL4

    TooCooL4 Well-Known Member

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    Hi G. Galante no he has not chimed in yet.

    Personally if you don't need the money, i would say keep it.
  12. G. Galante

    G. Galante New Member

    Trophy Points:
    New York, New York
    Hi TooCool4,
    Thank you....I know that's what my family said. I appreciate you saying that.
  13. Philip Taylor

    Philip Taylor Active Member

    Trophy Points:
    Birkenhead Merseyside
    Hi again
    Your Husband must have been so talented . I too would endorse selling it on Budokhan's thread which Mister X has already given you unless you decide to keep it. I have found an auction site which seems to have sold one recently but it seems a very cheap price The site is Lot Art

    Rare Tiffany & Co. 10th Anniversary Silver Plated SONY Walkman WM ...https://www.lot-art.com/...Tiffany...Co-10th-Anniversary-Silver-Plated-SONY-Walkm...

    If you do decide to sell ,I would be grateful if you could you let me know as I would be interested in buying it if it were to come up for sale .By the way who have you used to repair the belt Philip
    Last edited: Feb 16, 2019
  14. G. Galante

    G. Galante New Member

    Trophy Points:
    New York, New York
    Hi Philip,
    He was very talented and considered a genius in both music, art and design. I have the walkman with a good friend that is very experienced in repairing Sony's specifically he has also helping me with finding more info on the walkman and that will determine if I am going to sell it. He's a very talented recording and live sound engineer and I have worked with him for years.
  15. Philip Taylor

    Philip Taylor Active Member

    Trophy Points:
    Birkenhead Merseyside
    Thanks for your reply . I am glad that the unit is in safe hands .
  16. Philip Taylor

    Philip Taylor Active Member

    Trophy Points:
    Birkenhead Merseyside
    Yes he was a genius if it is the person I am thinking of .
  17. G. Galante

    G. Galante New Member

    Trophy Points:
    New York, New York
    Hi Philip , Yes he is and respected in the community, he's worked on many. Who do you think my husband was!
    Thank you for your replies....:)
  18. Philip Taylor

    Philip Taylor Active Member

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    Birkenhead Merseyside
    Well after a little more research I no longer think I am right but there is one famous name at Sony Nashville who changed the fortune of the Company over the years he retired some years ago and went on to do other things but his wife,s name is not the same as yourS but the surname is. His name was Joe Galante .
  19. G. Galante

    G. Galante New Member

    Trophy Points:
    New York, New York
    Hi Philip!
    Yes I know of him, but we are not related. I tried reaching out to him but he had already retired!
  20. Philip Taylor

    Philip Taylor Active Member

    Trophy Points:
    Birkenhead Merseyside
    Hi Gesua, I thought so but it is a bit of a coincidence that the surnames are the same and both involved with Sony .I trust you are keeping well Philip

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