Have you completed this project? I saw your picture of The battery enclosure You can place the pictures and further updates in this topic.
Thanks Boodokhan, I have completed an alternative to an PB-S5 the thinnest type that Aiwa produced! But the hollowed out case you may have seen comes from a slightly fatter PB- S4. Which I plan to put a 500mah lipo cell into, it's just so tight for space that I may have to place the output voltage regulator into the very top area after removing some surplus plastic, Looking into graphite cells with higher capacity might help still working out the design but the 1st attempt at the PB-S5 is doing well and is very convenient when it needs recharging just plug it in green light visible through usb socket surounds when it's charged, Anyway I'm off now to enjoy a lovely PX 820 I've just restored I am going to enjoy the fruits of my labour! Kind regards Warren