Was looking at the Walkman in the Big game, from the Walkman in movies section of the Archive, and I'm very curious about this model. I wanted to get a better look at it. Im still trying to dig for info myself
It could possibly be model Sony TCM-600. See the Walkman Archive site and go to Gallery and click on the pictures of Sony tpls2 and scroll down. There Is a picture of three machines and the one on the left looks like the same as the one in the movie you have seen However it only shows the reverse of the machine and a part of the side but it seems to be the same I amcsure others on this site will know for sure
It is not TCM-600 for sure. Do you know in what movie you saw this walkman? @autoreverser has a big collection of TPS-L2 replicas and i think he can tell us about this model
Hi guys, It's in the Big game movie. Take a look here: http://walkman-archive.com/movies/extras-movie4.htm#movie2 It looks similar, but it's not the same. There are dozens of TPS-l2 clones, who knows... There is someone here that is an expert in TPS-L2 clones but I cannot remmeber his name. @autoreverser ?
Good luck, those things all look the same to me, but that one and capStan's do seem a little higher quality than the one's I have in the stacks.
So far from what I can gather it's a Tps-l2 Clone of German orgian, witch makes sense due to the fact that Big Game was filmed in Germany. Special thanks to capStan, you helped lead me to the right direction.
definitively a Cloneman, unfortunately with the wide variety of those even i can't give you the exact model
...have a look here yourselfe: http://stereo2go.com/forums/threads/my-tps-l2-clones-westman-so-far.331/ i'm doing an update there soon, as some more derivates arrived in the meantime
mate, the origin of those "Clonemen" was a Goldstar in late 1979 (just after the TPS-L2 release) - with other words: it's not a german unit, it's rather corean (Goldstar today = LG = Lucky Goldstar) anybody got a link to the complete movie ?
I was looking there a few days ago, some were close but not exact. So far I've started taking a brake to focus my hunt for a low cost wm-3, but some time soon I plan on watching the movie myself.
I think I may have a lead. It's a Grundig Beat Boy. It's not exactly like the one in your image, but it's close enough that I think it may be a sub model or something similar in the product line.