An Aiwa 50 System just came up for sale over here, I don't remember seeing one before, I was checking this out before I saw your thread, not too bad looking, a little more 22 than 80ish...
What exactly do you mean by "Dixons Aiwa" ? For people outside the UK, like Mister X, Dixons was one of the UK's largest Camera and Audio retailers throughout the 1970s to 1990s. They are still around but started to use the Curry's name when they moved to Warehouse type shops selling Domestic appliances as well. In addition to the usual brands, like Aiwa they have always carried own brand products using the names, Prinz and Prinzsound in the 1970s and early 1980s when they wanted to sound German Matsui and Saisho when they decided that a Japanese sounding name had more Kudos. I would be surprised if they had sold an easily recognisable Aiwa product under their own name. Most of their own brand products are classic AKAs probably bought from Hong Kong manufacturers back then. One final thought, I have actually seen products from companies like Canon which are "exclusive to Currys / Dixons". The difference is usually minor, a different colour scheme and model number. I presume this is done so they can discount the product without other shops like John Lewis, who have a price match promise and longer guarantees, having to apply the same discount.
So lets get this topic back on track, am after a Saisho PS50 Walkman. How much would anyone pay for one and are they worth looking for. I like the speakers built into the unit and it has the record function. Do you recommend any others of same speck?
Perhaps you remembered Aiwa because the PS50 looks like an Aiwa CS-J1 wannabe I've not seen any in real life, but they look like the more generic stuff, so I'm guessing a simply ok-ish sound (depending, of course, on the condition). What it's worth kinda depends on what you're after, if you like collecting the oddities they're quite a nice one, but if you're after sound quality, they're probably not worth much to you. I'm more of the former, so for me, probably $20-25 at the maximum.
Now we know what you want it didn't take much searching The last one to sell on Ebay went for £21
That's a nice looking oddball, pretty much an AIWA Knockoff, or maybe it was made by AIWA. I like it and would grab one but they don't show up over here. I would definately grab an AIWA CS-J1, although I've never touched one, and it's on my short list. Both are great looking but I the AIWA is probably miles better.