I was browsing E-bay and I came across three rare Sharp boomboxes for sale .One is for collection in London and is a lot cheaper the second is for sale from Ukrania and it a lot dearer but slightly better cosmetic condition but postage is free.The third one is in Bristol and is for collection again and is similar buy it now price as the first one but you can bid and the starting bid is £640 Sharp GF-777 Ghettoblaster 1980's Boombox Retro Stereo Radio ***ALL WORKING*** CLASSIC SHARP GF-777Z BOOMBOX VINTAGE GHETTO BLASTER! SHARP GF-777 Z VINTAGE STEREO BOOMBOX PERFECT CONDITION (40 PHOTOS and VIDEO)
We had a member a few months ago, I think he had around four he was going to put up for sale. There was another member, years ago, maybe Germany, he had a boatload of these, I think his photo showed them stacked up on stairs. I wonder if some of the first generation collectors and owners for these are giving up the hobby and liquidating. In the old days these never came up for sale now there's several but they're still getting decent money for them.
I remember about 10 to 15 years ago when GF777zs were coming up for sale from China all the time for around £500 including shipping. I also remember a picture from one seller of a storeroom with about 30 of them in it. I really wish I had saved it now. I am thinking it would be interesting to compare the price with other boxes both when new and nowadays. If the GF777s actually sell for these prices they will have been a good investment, although maybe not all the way from new.
The UK seems to be cheaper to find boxes than it is in the US, but it depends which model. The Sharp 777 is not rare at all, but it commands high prices because of its looks and size. $500 to $1,000 for a 777 is typical, depending on condition. Paying more than $1,000, even for a mint and fully working one, doesn't make sense at all. In 12-24 months when the next recession hits, you'll be able to get them for only $300.
I think people are also pulling them out of the closet, I used to check Marantz Boomboxes every day for years, maybe 1 or 2 would come up a year, now there's a boatload for sale at any one time. The funny thing is they are still asking high dollar what the availablity has gone up quite a bit.
Are you getting one Cassette2go? The Forum Reader has a thread with a member snagging one, the photos are still on it.
http://www.stereo2go.com/topic/index.php?content_oid=442795680541881709&board_oid=193392314111653326 Closed Yahoo.jp Auctions https://auctions.yahoo.co.jp/closedsearch/closedsearch/toyota/23832/ Yahoo.jp Photos https://search.yahoo.co.jp/image/search?ei=UTF-8&p=Toyota+ea900
The Toyota version still has those tiny-ass meters. If you're going to get a J-spec version of the 777, get the 999 or 1000, they have the bigger meters.
At present, 777 is a popular machine in China. Many people like it. Last week, a friend of mine bought one. It was only 1000. About $150. The color is good and all functions are normal. But I don't like 777.
It's a great looking box and would get respect in any lounge you roll into. It seems like distribution went everywhere but the USA so they rarely show up for sale here.