Banging Boomxbox

Discussion in 'Gear you want' started by DannyDock, Jul 14, 2019.

  1. DannyDock

    DannyDock New Member

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    San Francisco
    So I’m curious to know if there’s any people or retailers who I can go to for a working and great sounding Boombox.

    I’m sporting a Nakamichi RX-505 at home, and a Sony WM-D6, a WM-D6C, and aAiwa PC-202 for on the go. But sometimes you want to take off the headphones share the love with a nice Boombox!

    eBay definitely has no shortage of supply of boomboxes, but I know most of them probably don’t work (despite saying they do) or just have problems in general.

    Is there a place or reseller that I can buy a solid (preferably restored) Boombox?

    I’m willing to wait and/or pay a little extra to get something nice.

    I’d prefer not to play the eBay lottery with this. But if that’s the only way, are there any good technicians out there you can recommend?

    P.S. I’ll also be keeping an eye on the market here!
  2. Mister X

    Mister X Moderator Staff Member

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    Just in case, the GPO Brooklyn seems to be a good stand in for a new box and it doesn't look bad.

    One of the newer members here does bluetooth conversions, I think he sells them on etsy, I'd look him up and tell him what your after and he might be able to get you the kind of box you want and install bluetooth. Cassette2go is always selling units, check out his YouTube Channel for current sales, he has 10 of everything.
    DannyDock and Jorge like this.
  3. Longman

    Longman Well-Known Member S2G Supporter

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    Bournemouth UK
    Interesting that you have the vintage Walkmans but are concerned about getting a vintage boombox.

    One of our members reviewed the Brooklyn. It could be the closest you can get to a new, classic style boombox.

    If you do buy second hand then the key is to not overpay and then be prepared to do a bit of cleaning and restoration.
    There are loads of restoration projects here on the forum, and most of them involve no more than changing belts and cleaning switches.
    If your time is worth more than your money, then I'm sure there are people local to you who will be prepared to demonstrate a fully working box, but be prepared to pay a premium.

    A final comment; If buying second hand, don't set your heart on one particular model. There are certain collectable models like the Sharp GF777 which always command a big premium. In contrast there are other Sharps that are probably just as good at lower volumes which sell for 1/4 of the price.
  4. DannyDock

    DannyDock New Member

    Trophy Points:
    San Francisco
    Thanks for the great advice and info Mister X and Longman!!
  5. DannyDock

    DannyDock New Member

    Trophy Points:
    San Francisco
    Cassette2go looks like a great person to score a good, confirmed working boombox. That's exactly the direction I was hoping to get from the forum. Thanks again!

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