At the beginning of this week, I had no cassette players/recorders. Now I have two. The Sony WM-D6 was given to me because it plays too was about to be tossed in the trash. I've been in touch with one of the expert D6 techs and it will live again. The Marantz was on Craigslist as non-functional. I took a chance at $40. I got it home and took it apart to find a couple loose belts. I re-mounted them, put it back together, and now have a decently functioning PMD430. I've wanted a decent quality field recorder for over 30 I have two.
PMD430 is an excellent deck. You can use it for recording your favorite tracks on cassettes. I have this model and works just fine. good luck with fixing D6 speeding issue. let us know if you fix it and where the problem was
Congratulations! The first (even if "just" after a lack of one for years) is always a special purchase, just like a purchase of the one you always desired. Good luck on the D6 fix and enjoy those beauties!
Woah I've had a PMD430 in my wishlist for months. You got one for $40? I am absolutely fuming! Congrats
Those big Marantz's are built like a tank. I've gotten most of the line over the years and even the little mono models are cool looking and basically the same parts. The historical consensus is that the D6 is just a bit better from the magazine research I've done but both are great statement pieces. These models were used a lot in broadcasting and news, I feel like there's shelves of dusty models everywhere just looking to be released. I recently bought a local boombox from a tv station tech, he was telling me about all of their surplus equipment that needed to be liberated but most of the time some idiot just tosses it out.