What is the Only safe way to get away from the Family and The Boss? In my case it is the Job (of course!) and Hi-End Audio Shows... This last Sunday I managed to disengage myself from the kids, The Boss, the rebuilding of our home and I had a day of Fun! The first thing you stumble over when entering THE Show is this magical LEVITATING turntable: It levitates, it is not connected to the speakers (shame on you guys!) but it proves that some of kickstarter projects do make it into production! At $3,5k we have some other good choices, but WAF for this one should be sky-high! My first meeting was with Ralf of DCCmuseum.com: Ralf actually DID the thing folks here and at boomboxery are talking about: he set up a museum for DCC cassettes and DCC players!!! Respect!!! I know Nothing about DCC cassettes, but it was fun to meet in flesh with a member of our community! Next (and the last) meet with something related to our talk here was at Audeze booth: SPL Phonitor is something I had been ogling for years, but since my Lehmann Black Cube + Senn 650 worked for me (and it is difficult to "collect" things at such price point) I had never actually listened... Now I did, and this set sounds magical! The "Matrix" thing did not excite me too much, the "redbook" sound was more than enough to make me forget about my surroundings. I was actually surprised by my insensitiveness because my beloved $100 AirHead, when set at "crossfeed" saved me during my long flights in the late 90-ies Professional report on these is here: InnerFidelity Oh, Boy! I played the same headphones as Rafe Arnott: I am almost famous! me walking through the hi-end rooms will be posted in the appropriate section...
That table is so cool, I love the inventiveness nowadays and the Phonitor looks amazing, it's great that some cool designs are coming back to audio. The late 80's and 90's will gone down as the crappy round-edge design era, very few cars, electronics, homes, etc stood out and made the test of time.
Yes, the TTable is a piece of art, but do not even try to use brush to wipe the dust off - the platter will just fly away! And now that I know about DCC Museum and it is just a 40-min drive from Malibu, I Must visit... Tough life I got myself into!
Technically, it is spelled as T.H.E. Show: The Home Entertainment Show in Newport beach, here is the link As I remember, this show was a spin-off Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas and organized by the Stereophile journal. I am not too sure about its history, but I do remember that Stereophile was/is behind this show. THE Show gets full coverage from Stereophile, for professional reviews (not me babbling nonsenses!) click HERE
Now we have a team! One of these weekends lets schedule an appointment! I checked their website, they are "by appointment only"
Great post, I love shows and meeting new people. Love the DCC museum, does he have any youtube videos online?