I have never heard of mura but it I was and still is a cool idea to allow a number of people to listen say at a party or a te together .how do you find all your adverts Mister ?
Mura was a very early portable imitator, their AM/FM radio with headphones is actually a decent build. I'd describe them a mid-line products and they did a ton of advertising. Philip Taylor, I get a lot of it from Smash Hits, Sports Illustrated and Esquire Magazines found on the Wayback Machine. Google Books also has a ton of magazines but Popular Mechanics and Popular Science are the ones with the most portable information. They have thousands of magazines that you can also download in PDF if you want the full issue. The issues from the late 70's to the early 80's have some really interesting material including a ton of cars and home stereos. I'm usually on the phone for a few hours everyday so I spend that quality time looking for cool information to post here. Feel free to look around and post more if you find them!
Odd that Mura would show a Sony Walkman in that ad, instead of their own. Perhaps Sony funded the ad?
Were they actually doing a cassette player back then? A quick search only shows their portable radio. Also there is a lot to be said for associating yourself with the brand leader. One reason the Magnavox Odussey (the first home video game system) flopped is that people assumed it could only be used with a Magnavox TV.
Another more detailed ad about the stuff, with yet another Sony connection I just found out about this brand myself, but apparently there were some really nice looking Mura boomboxes. Have not find their walkmans hinted by the 1st ad, though.
Mister X Thanks for your reply and I will certainly have a look to see what I can find.However, I must apologise for my typing in my last post. The Rose wine must have taken effect I think.
DAK was a liquidator but they had those great write-ups, most of the stuff they sold was better than entry-level. They must have scored a ton of Mura's and found the Cybernet's (that they already sold) fit, and this was born. I don't remember Mura having a cassette player, I think they stuck with radios.
Is this a granddaddy of “kangaroo” b-boxes? Very interesting! We should get a separate thread for these babies, I overheard once that my benefactor @Boodokhan has a few...
The Kangaroo Wars have been fought before, maybe it was John Edwards that had a big stash? I'd be in for a few rounds!
Maybe this model was made before and other boombox with detachable walkman. I think I might have most of famous brands of "boomboxes with detachable walkmans".
Boodokhan, did you see my Toshiba RC-1 Microcassette Radio in the microcassette thread? It has grooves in the side and slotted pins in the back, it really looks like it goes with a docking station or box but I have never found any information in all of my searches.
Never seen a Toshiba microcassette boombox to accommodate a detachable Walkman. It will be interesting to see that
Memories of the year all the kids in my extended family (me included) got Mura Hi-Stepper radios for Christmas from one Aunt & Uncle... who must have closed-out their local K-Mart. Best kangaroo box I ever saw was the one my parents "passed" on: The JVC PC R100. https://images.app.goo.gl/Hmi4qWzmrwgNpQk56