Does anybody own one of these? I was looking for something else and it popped up on a site with mini-boxes. It's kind of cool looking and being a JVC, most likely a high-quality build. The top says "S110" so I'm assuming it's RC-S110?
Great find Matias, those little JVCs are really nice builds, they kind of remind me of the early AIWA Portables with a lot of little buttons. I still haven't seen one for sale around here yet.
Wow, he has a ton of National and Sanyo Minis. More good information on that little JVC, too bad we didn't get more over here.
I like his mounts, it looks like just a flat piece of metal bent 90 degrees. I wonder if there's a security attachment so they don't fall off the wall with door closings, trucks driving by, etc....
Yep, you are right - metal angle bars - that's all, no security straps, etc. Sergey was asked this question a lot of times - how are his BBX-s "flying" on the wall and made a short vid, it's in Russian but the footage clearly shows the idea - to squeeze as many radios as possible on the front wall and to have this "flying" impression.
No "landings" so far AFAIK, Sergey lives in a house in one of the Saint-Petersburg suburbs, luckily far from the main roads, in a quiet small cul-de-sac... I visited him a few times - 20-30 mins of driving from me.
I love it! Tell Sergey we are in awe. We need him to sign up over here, his collection is amazing. Just for extra measures, I'd put a small strap on the handle, screwed into the wall but I love those brackets, the best I've seen so far.