Hello, just recently got into the hobby with a Panasonic RQ-J9 and hope to collect a few more decks. Other than that, in an age of the cloud, I enjoy listening to music which I can grasp in my hand. Anyway, I hope to be a helpful addition to this community.
I was having a discussion about tape with someone and that was a point I brought up, we live in an age where movies are all streamed (why Blockbuster died), games are going fully digital as opposed to big cartridges of the past and music is being streamed too. Entertainment is becoming more digital and while that's better for the planet's resources people are starting to want that sense of ownership back, being able to resell the music you own (i.e. it has worth) or keep exactly what you want to play. It helps that cassettes are small and nifty to store too. Rant aside welcome! I'm new here too but I hope you will like the forums. Kindest Regards, stereomecha99
Cool unit, and the word is that musicians love tangible music, with digital, it's possible that nobody will remember them in a few years, but records and tapes? They might be around forever.