Walkman WM-D6C

Discussion in 'Tech talk' started by Paul L, Dec 13, 2019.

  1. Paul L

    Paul L New Member

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    Hi everybody,

    I have an original Sony Professional Walkman which I purchased back in the 80s. Unfortunately, it appears to have given up the ghost and is currently dead. I've tried purchasing a replacement power adapter in case there is an issue with the battery compartment, but alas, it simply doesn't want to switch on.

    Needless to say, I'm absolutely useless with fixing electronics and am hoping somebody here can advise me in terms of pointing me in the direction of somebody who might be able to repair the unit.

    I am based in Cheshire, UK, so travelling to Manchester or Liverpool etc is not a problem - or even if I have to mail it to somebody who can take a look at it... Does anybody have any suggestions please?

    Many Thanks,

  2. ianthepostie

    ianthepostie Active Member

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    Hi there, I had my WMD6C fully serviced here - www.audiophilesclinic.co.uk . He did a great job and it runs like a dream now. He has also serviced various other bits and bobs for me and always done a very good job. Worth dropping him an email explaining the problem and see if he can help.
    sickly_b and Paul L like this.
  3. Paul L

    Paul L New Member

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    Hey, Ian,

    Many Thanks for the recommendation and info. I'll take a look at his website.

  4. Deb64

    Deb64 Well-Known Member S2G Supporter

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    Leicestershire, England
    Hello and welcome to the forum.
    It is unusual to find a pro walkman which is completely dead. A more common problem with the D6 and D6C models is that the motor runs too fast. In the D6 this is normally caused by failure of the CP602 potted motor driver module. In the D6C it is normally caused by failure of the CX20084 IC, which in turn is often caused by connecting an AC adaptor power supply with the DC polarity reversed. The DC barrel connector MUST BE WIRED WITH THE CENTRE PIN NEGATIVE.

    Also, avoid using any computer type switch mode power supplies. I have a D6C in for repair at the moment which was damaged by a Dell computer power supply. It measured 6V DC across the connector, when using a multimeter. When I checked the DC lines with the oscilloscope, there was a common mode AC signal (same on both +ve and -ve connections) of 292V Pk - Pk relative to mains earth (see attached image). I think this may have damaged the CX20084.

    If it is totally dead then you may have a dry solder joint or broken PCB track on the battery connectors or the DC input socket connectors.
    If there is no sound this could be a failed mute module or a damaged DC-DC converter. If the take up spool is not turning, the belt may have failed.

    Attached Files:

    Boodokhan, Jorge and Paul L like this.
  5. Paul L

    Paul L New Member

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    Hi Deb,

    Thank You ever so much for the info. The power adapter I've tried it with is this one - https://keple.com/power-supply-for-...cassette-player-adapter-charger-2m-6-6ft.html - I bought it specifically because it advertises itself as working with the D6C.

    I really have zero skills with electronics, so whilst the information which you've kindly given is really useful, after unscrewing the lid, I'd be completely lost.

    Ideally, I'd like to take the unit somewhere for repair - or alternatively sent it away to be repaired. A couple of people on this site have helpfully given me suggestions. If you can suggest a good place to get it repaired, then I'll happily listen.

  6. ianthepostie

    ianthepostie Active Member

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    Yes you have to be really careful with those generic power supplies. I got one from a guy on ebay who "swore blind" it was compatible with a D6C, but when it arrived it had a centre positive pin! I never tried it and sent it straight back for a refund. Even then he said he'd tested them on D6C's and they were fine. His ebay name was osmahassa3 if you wanna avoid him. I just use batteries now. Much safer!
    Paul L likes this.

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