Hi guys been so long due to health issues, was originally on this site since approx. 2005 remember a few ppl still like agentorange autoreverser radio rahiem , walkgirl to name a few what happened to ghetoman anyone keep in touch. Lots of interesting topics and glad this site is still around and a big hello to everyone I don't know yet.some of my toics may still be on the old website but haven't checked yet. Enjoy your day Happy
Welcome back Happy, although I wasn't on the site that long ago. The old Hoopla site articles are still online on this site (thanks to Michelle). I have found that the best way to find them is from Google rather than using the on site search facility.
Thanks guys boodokhan I remember you that was a great Walkman based on the stadium if am correct always wanted that one saw it when i was a kid in Tottenham court road had some big headphones
Welcome back dude and a happy new year to you im still in touch with ghettoman from time to time, sadly he is not on here anymore though mate