Japan-only model, RQ-568 was the priciest box in HiFi MAC trinity: Nowadays it is available for under $50 from Yahoo-Japan, I paid a few extra pennies for the small miracle of a plug for "system up hole" being present. I realized that having this plastic peg is a miracle because I lost it within a few days upon receiving RQ-568, and found only months later in my car. As always, happy ending first: this HiFiMac is beautiful: Actually, RQ-568 HiFiMAC was bought as a companion for my then favorite National RS-4250 MAC ST-5, aka "Black Beauty": RQ-568 is very easy to disassemble, this is Not an Aiwa! When restoring, do not forget to rejuvenate the foam pad sticking from the back panel onto the woofer magnet: this is a great idea to help front plastic "baffle" in taming vibrations of a huge woofer Two belts: FlatSmall 10.6 fits nicely, cassette mechanism is very clean and pretty solid More cleaning and DeoxIt-ing: For when I get nothing better to do - there will be a recap for the amp board One serious drawback of this model is that Service Manual is not available, so any electronic troubles should be traced... and without the usual benefits of a stereo models The only thing available is the cover page of its Technical Guide: which proves that SM does exist and that W&F is almost decent for a bbox, at 0.12% Lets check how new belt and old mechanism are performing: Looks up to specs
This was definitely for Japanese-only market I think that hole is for the microphone holder? must be making sense for our comrades in Japan: as-is this reminds me of a joke about a basic statement “the rain is coming” after being translated by independent interpreters/translators onto different languages being morphed onto “the birds are flying South”
the Baby is BEAUTIFUL... now playing Uriah Heep "Demons and Wizards" BUT once in-a-while she misbehaves and overlays a Lot of noise over the tune, be it line-in or cassette Once I am done swearing and open her up for tracing the problem, the problem disappears... one naughty lady she is!!! Myguess I shall have to have fun of a full recap, and then asking for your Help!!! Anyhooo... Merry Christmas, my friends!!!!!!!
Did you see my comment about this box in the Nostalgiacon thread ? I guessed 1978 as the year of manufacturer Get the Yen to Dollar exchange rate back then to find it cost $229 back then. Feed that through an inflation calculator to find that in today's money it cost $860 No wonder the quality is so high. However, I wasn't surprised. Nowadays, people will spend that on a phone. Back then someone wanting a quality radio cassette was prepared to spend a similar amount. Happy Holidays.
Ha!!! just bought a new phone for my Boss!!! (she does not give a s$&t or no care BUT iPhone 10 it Must Be!!!!) On the bright side: I see a few hi-end thingies posted and not claimed for months and months which would make any music-oriented boy quite happy... Last year I sold all my packaging boxes for my Linn LP-12 and Naim ARO arm so that I wouldn't have any second thoughts about upgrading... How sick s THAT??? Upgraditis is a disease!