Hi everyone. My wife gave me a surprise this afternoon. She picked up a Alba- model CP705. Not anything special. Just a simple playback model with just play, fast forward and stop. In excellent condition, pinch roller, head and capstan perfect. Runs on 2 as batteries or 3 volt adaptor. I cannot find any specs on the net for this model. Was Alba and Bush the same company? Can anyone help with any technical information and year of production etc. Hope the experts can help. Keep up all the good work.
Hi TooCool4. I think you are right. Quite impressed with the sound from this very basic unit. Have you changed your mind regarding the d-3? Pug them back together and give them another try. Regards Derek.
Ha ha Derek never gonna happen about the D3. I have given away many parts from the D3's, the rest of them are just taking up valuable space.
I knew you would say that. I thought I would give it a try. Did you ever find the cause of the trouble you had with the tdk mac tapes in your DC-2?
Nope. I just make sure the tape path on the DC2’s are very clean and it does not eat TDK MA-XG’s anymore.
Alba is a name that has gone through many owners https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alba_(brand) You are right that it is currently owned by Argos, who in turn is a subsidiary of Sainsburys. Any personal cassette player from them is likely to be badge engineered, and sold under other brands in different markets. The Bush and Alba names were considered to be worth £15.25 million. Not bad for a company that went bankrupt in 1982. p.s There is no connection to the Alba watch brand which is a subsidiary of Seiko.
Hi Longman. Thanks for all that useful information. Do you happen to know any of the specs' for this Walkman? As I have told TooCool4 I'm quite impressed with the sound from this basic unit. Regards, Derek.
Okay, we--me particularly--need to see pics of this because it's makeup sounds a lot like the Crown SZ-11 I bought new from K-mart, years ago.
Hi nickelindimer. Sorry dont know how to post photos but if you Google the model on the net you will see a photo of this model. As iv'e said only a cheap basic model but I'm quite impressed with the sound. Sorry cannot be more helpful but if you do find out any more information on this model please let me know. Regards, Derek. Ps- greetings from England.
Here are a couple of links for this model which is basic yet looks nice int he blue and grey colour as oppose to the black version which although it has the same model no it looks a different shape to the blue one and ,it seems , has a window to view the tape inside. It is owned by Argos in turn owned by Sainsbury”s https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Alba-Per...524610?hash=item3fd51f18c2:g:XJwAAOSwhLRd~9Cx https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/ALBA-CP7...817995&hash=item4da2b79837:g:UcgAAOSwcXNc4GEl
Hi Philip. Thanks for that. The blue one is the one iv'e got. Nice to see the box it came in. I have got the earphones as well but have not tried them. It's funny I can never find walkmans or anything related when I look in charity shops etc but my wife can occasionally find one. I just tell her to buy if she finds anything. Can you find out the specifications for this model. I cannot find anything on the net. Thanks for your help, Derek.
Hi Derek ,I afraid that I can not find any specs for your player Philip. If i do I will let you know otherwise i can only suggest you buy one with a manual
Hi Philip. Thanks for that. Do you have a favourite Walkman in your collection? I still love listening to my wm-4 that I bought back in 1983. Very powerful with a good headphone. Derek.
Hi Derek I have been collecting for several years and I have a large collection now . My favourite would have to be Sony Wm-DC6 for sound quality closely followed by sony DD9 and Sony DD11 for portability. However I still like the Sont TPS-L2 which started it all off. I am not technical though and I may be able to change the odd belt but I cannot hold a candle to many of the other members on this site. For the person who ,I believe, has the best collection you should look at the postings of the beer known as Kent . They take your breath away .Happy New Year Philip
I do not have an early DC6 so I cannot say and as I am70 1 do not think I could tell the difference in any event I would just say that I gave my e- mail address out in a post once and I was advised that it was not a safe thing to do and I presume the same thing goes for phone numbers. If I were you to be on the safe side I would delete it from the post you are able to edit by the way. I have however noted your number so I can ring you sometime in the future meanwhile I wish you aHappy New Year
back to the Alba I suspect it is a bit older than I suspected. I looked back through my Argos catalogue scans and couldn't find it. When Home Retail bought Alba in 2008 they started using a different font, as shown in the Wikipedia page so I guess it is older than that.